Boy of boy was Monday evening uncomfortable. It was a growing day for sure! All evening my stomach was stretched to the max and all I wanted to do was lay down. Thankfully Tuesday and ever since has not been like that but boy it is interesting when a day like that comes along. And just to top it off, I get to work on Tuesday am greeted with, "oh boy, you've popped" and "that happened over night!" comments. Fun to hear but also slightly uncomfortable. I guess I would say I'm one of those anomalies who love the outcome of the baby but I'm not a huge fan of being pregnant. Not because it's a horrible experience but I always feel like it just DOMINATES everything about me for the duration. I'm not me anymore I'm the pregnant lady or conversations always start with asking how I'm feeling...that would not be what happens if I wasn't growing a child inside of me. Again, I realize everyone is being curious and excited and supportive but I so enjoy being at work and feeling like I'm an equal and a professional my life and decisions aren't centered around this wee one inside me.
Boy this post sure turned on me...I just wanted to document the growing day. Anyways, baby has been "beating me up" from the inside lately and I love the reminders that (s)he is in there. I feel bonded to this baby already and I really can't wait to meet "it" on the outside. Yes, yes, I know, don't rush it I will miss the pregnant part...but honestly I don't know that I ever had that feeling with Killian. I was just so in love with him and being able to kiss him and hold him and love on him that I didn't ever look back. I mourned out separation but I feel like that was more my hormones adjusting to the change rather than me missing him being in me. To me this pregnancy process is a means to the end and I'll get through it to meet my little one. I honestly can't say I won't do it again, my favorite parts have all been since Killian was born and being pregnant made that happen but boy, I sure do love being able to tie my shoes normally and have zippers to check when I leave the restroom and feeling comfortable in my favorite yoga pants and chasing my toddler down the slide without having to catch my breath. So many things that I miss as I enter into this stage of my pregnancy that I know I'll get back but it feels so far away.
Enough of my sob story, I'm off to get my first born from school and hang out for the evening. He was in such a fantastic mood this morning, he is just my absolute favorite. LOVE LOVE LOVE him to pieces.
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