Monday, April 3, 2017

And just like that....

We are half way through this pregnancy!  WOW that sure went fast!

We had our anatomy ultrasound today and everything is looking fantastic, right where (s)he should be.  We successfully did not find out the baby's gender and are still planning to keep it that way until August.  I'm feeling great and am loving the sunshine that has poked it's face out here in PDX the last few days, so much so that I planted a little garden this weekend and and fiercely working on getting our yard pulled together for the outdoor months.

Name game is in full effect and I'm loving it!  Think it could be my "Jiminy Cricket" giving me a sign about the gender as my girl name list is like 3 times longer than the boys.  Last time it was pretty dead even.  Who knows...time will tell ;-)

Here are a few pictures of new baby's progress and a little comparison of my bump this time around compared to Killian.

New Baby Bump in the stripes and Killian in the Ladybug Shirt

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