Baby's heart rate was 152 bpm and the placenta is attached to the front of my uterus explaining my the baby party doesn't feel as full swing as others. Otherwise baby looks great and is right on track with where we should be. I'll go back to the Dr. in 4 weeks, May 1. After that we'll do the diabetes test and some other blood work at my 28 week appointment. Crazy to think it is already time to start talking about that.
Seems that Dr. is on board with scheduling our c-section for August 14th, the Monday before due date. That will give our little family of 3 one last weekend to hang out, go to soccer practice and swim lessons before life as we know it gets adjusted again. My mom is planning to come that Thursday night before so we can do a day of drop off at school together so Monday when Mommy or Daddy don't do drop off it won't be too much of a weird thing to have Ooma there.
I started looking into photographers to do a maternity and newborn session with us. There are soooo many options and such a HUGE range in prices. I think I've got it narrowed down to two options but I'm running it by Bree to see what her thoughts are on their styles, she did our pictures with Killian and we absolutely loved them. Nice to have a professional opinion too. The two I like are between these two:
We shall see who we end up with :-)
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