Monday, April 24, 2017


Fun things first...I haven't posted a bump picture in a while, 3 weeks to catch up on.

So what's new with baby...well I haven't been back to the Dr. since my last updates so unfortunately I'm slipping into the "hope everything is still ok" phase.  Thankfully little baby is starting to be strong enough that I can feel the movement through my "pillow placenta," that is reassuring when we have a dance party.  This baby has decided that one way (s)he will show me they are still there is to kick my bladder...not something little mister Killian was interested in doing, so that's a new and not so welcomed symptom.

We go back to the Dr. a week from today, should be pretty routine.  I believe we will schedule my diabetes screening then and get that out of the way.  Wondering if Dr. will want any additional ultrasounds because of my "advanced" age, that one I don't mind at all, I would love to see baby again (sooner rather than later, thank you very much).

In the meantime, Kyle's been steadily working away at getting the room painted and ready for re-installment of baseboards.  Hopefully that will happen this weekend, that way I can order the furniture and get things lined out.  I found the perfect window curtain panels last week and just got the curtain rod yesterday so those will go up once the baseboards are finished.  I also have a new overhead light picked out and ready to order when the time is right.  Looking forward to having the furniture ordered and assembled so I can see how the room will layout with everything in it. Then I can get down to the nitty gritty of filling up drawers and stocking diapers, etc.  If anyone is interested, I've been slowly adding things to the registry, not too much on there just yet because I need to go through and take stock on what we still have and still need.  Either way, here's the link if you want it :-)

Other happenings around our parts...found out we are going to be Aunty/Uncle/Cousins to a baby boy at the end of August.  That was a fun reveal, always entertaining to try and engage the kids in these type activities, they have their own agenda and don't always play nice with the "plan."

looks like blue sprinkles in that egg to me!!!

Killian is growing up so fast, it makes my heart sing and cry all at once!  I'll post another blog with photos from his birthday party, which was a huge success by the way, no rain can slow this party crew down!!!

Killian is working through his 2's very nicely, he is testing us and is full, and I mean FULL, of energy but he is a good boy and listens to his mom and dad and is very well mannered.  He has all but one of his 2 year molars, it is waiting to break through and then we will be DONE with teeth!!!  All in all he has been fantastic with teething, we hardly notice so can not really complain.

At his 2 year checkup the Dr. predicted he would be 6'2" as a man...whoa that's weird to say!  Nice strong height, I love it!  He is just above average on his weight and a slightly larger than normal head.  All in all she was thoroughly impressed with our little dude and thought he was very advanced in his physical development.  She recommended we visit the library and pickup some big brother books to help him get ready for the new addition.  School has been taking him into the baby room now and then to help prepare him too, they say he does great in there and is very helpful.

Killian and I started swim lessons again this week, he just loves the water and I can't wait to get him down to my parents house and get some time in Cassie's pool.  We are all in need of a little sunshine these of the wettest springs in Portland's history, lucky us!  I think we are being tested, if we can survive this year we are good to go.

Overall life is good and I'm just loving my little family.  Our house is just great and I fall in love with it more everyday.  I look forward to all that we experience in it and welcome visitors to help us enjoy it further.

Until next time, enjoy the pictures below of big bro to be Killian.

Killian and Lewis on their shelf

Mama and Killian smooches

Sleeping Angel

This dude LOVES the swings

Monkey man has discovered our backyard tree

Killian wanted his hair done while I was doing mine...he loved the result

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