Monday, May 1, 2017

24 week Appointment

Everything went well today. I picked up my bottle of nectar for the diabetes test next appointment, I went with fruit punch this time, mix it up ;-)  I'm measuring right where I should be and baby has a good strong heart just like mommy (between 155-160bpm).  I guess if you believe the wives tales it could lead you to believe there is a boy growing in there but from what my mom has told me, that's where I hoovered too.  Plus I'm always accused of having a fast heart beat and am constantly asked if I'm nervous.  So, take it for what it's worth, we'll know in August ;-)

I go back for my next appointment May 31st.  They will test my gestational diabetes predictor and also test for antibodies due to by RH negative status...I keep tell them Kyle is the same and I still have to paperwork to prove it so I don't need the shot but they want to test anyways. Safe than sorry I guess??

No more ultrasounds for this baby unless something goes haywire and by haywire I mean something as simple as headaches like happened with Killian.  I got to spend a lot more time at the doctor's and several extra hoops to jump through.  Time will tell on that one too.

For the most part I'm feeling good.  Darn heartburn is starting early, ugh!  I hate it but oh well, I survived in 2015 and will prevail in 2017 ;-)  Baby has been paying close attention to my bladder this pregnancy so I have to be extra careful to be sure it is emptied on a regular basis.  This one also feels like their fingernails are much more developed than Killian's, scratching is never a fun sensation.  The nursery nook is coming together nicely, it is all painted and the baseboards got installed this weekend.  Now I can order the crib and changing table, wahoo!!!  I can't wait to decorate it with fun stuff and make it all cute.

For now that is pretty much all that's going on.  C-section is still on the books for August 14th and will be here before we know it.  We've selected a photographer and have dates for maternity and newborn sessions (7/15 and 8/24).  Now I need to try out a hair and makeup place so I can look fabulous ;-)  I think we've settled on a girl's name but are struggling on boy names...we'll get there but we set the bar pretty high with Killian's name...nothing seems to compare or all the front runners start with the same K sound and I'm not keen on being the only non-"K" in the family.  So the hunt for a boy's name continues...we'll see if the girls name sticks around until delivery date (if it is needed) or if we change it before then.

Happy Monday everyone and happy May Day.  I hope wherever you are the flowers are blooming for you and make you smile.

Shalyce and #babyChildersPDX

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