Goodness, 3.5 inches! So tiny but baby could be 20% of ultimate length already, crazy that it happens so fast now and without me really even knowing.
I entered my second trimester today, 1/3 of the way there, party time :)
Think I will snag some paint samples this weekend to nail down the base for baby room. So many things to think about and then do, I can't wait to get started. I love transforming our home and what a better reason than this.
I am thinking about having the crib bedding made because all the more neutral sets I have seen are zoo animals and green, Brown and cream. Anyone have that stuff made our know someone who does make them???
This weekend is filled with fun events, Halloween costume making and brunch with pedicures to follow. Oh yeah and no work Monday...hehe
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
If you have a sewing machine a lot of baby bedding is pretty do-able. I didn't want a pink explosion, so I found fabrics I liked and made Maya's bed skirt and some changing pad covers. I think I still have the tutorials I used pinned. I do recommend having the mattress purchased before you make any sheets though. These can be a workout to put on if you don't have them sized just right.