Saturday, October 11, 2014

100 days down, 180 left to go

We made it to the triple digits! Feeling good and just trying to enjoy the trip. Things around the house haven't really changed yet, sleeping in with the pups and enjoying our weekends.

Would like to make a trip to buy buy baby and do some hands on shopping so I can shop smarter on Amazon :) maybe I will do that Monday when I am not working, yes!!! This Tuesday is my one year work anniversary, it is amazing how quickly time has flown by this last year.

Look forward to this next year and all the work challenges and baby excitement.


  1. Be sure to check out the warehouse section of Amazon ( Great deals on stuff people returned, and usually the only thing wrong is the packaging is damaged. I highly recommend getting a Prime membership if you don't already have one. Nice to just have wipes and other essentials delivered to your door + free 2 day shipping.

  2. YES prime is KEY and we get our moneys worth already. I will check out the warehouse, didn't even know there was such a thing! thank you for the recommendations, you are full of great advice :-)
