Monday, October 6, 2014

The Blog is BACK!!!! Next house project/Baby Announcement

So for all those that aren't Facebookers, I figured I would post here as well.  Also, wanted everyone else who has already seen the FB blast to know the blog is back and I am hopeful about updating it more often now that we have a pretty big life event to track :-)

For those that didn't pick up on the hints, Kyle and I are having a baby in April.  April 9th to be exact (or as exact as we can right now), I am 13.5 weeks right now and feeling great.  I know it puts me in the easy to hate category but if we didn't go to the Dr. every couple weeks and see the ultrasound images I wouldn't even know I was carry around a little one.  Kyle says I'm confusing the nurses with no symptoms, HA!  We are not planning to find out the sex of the baby until on or around April 9th, I have always wanted the surprise and anticipation just seems like it will make the whole experience (and birth) that much more rewarding.  I know I know, it is moving and touching and nothing will ever be able to describe the feeling of having baby but it is just something I want to experience and so that's what we are doing.  Granted, I know the ultrasounds are pretty detailed now a days so baby may give us a show that spoils the surprise but we are aiming for the delivery surprise.

We are thrilled to be past the first trimester and hopefully clear of the danger zone.  We did have a failed attempt before so it makes this time around just that much sweeter (I can delve into that experience on another blog, I would say after I've had a glass of wine or two but guess that won't happen for another half a year or so). 

Anyways, we are thrilled to have this experience ahead of us and can't wait to share the ups, downs, tears and laughs with everyone who reads this blog as we go.  I feel like I've been around the block with babies for all my girlfriends along the way but this is all very new and exciting for me.  I haven't had that many questions for the doctors up to this point and I sometimes feel that is wrong of me, BUT I feel very prepared and informed from everyone's experiences.  So thank you thank you for all you gals out there who have shared your experiences, although sometimes gruesome, with me and helping me feel better prepared for this journey. 

If you have words of wisdoms or can't live without items you want to share, by all means email me ( I want to try and keep the "crap" to a minimum, yeah yeah everyone says that but how many are successful???, but I have to at least try, right?!?!?, so any input on the best stroller (I DO NOT want a giant monstrosity), bassinet, bjorn, etc. please share. 

Last thing for now, enjoy the obligatory ultrasound picture and the baby announcement.  Don't have a "bump" yet so won't start posting those type pictures until you aren't just seeing my extra 10lbs (don't I wish it was just 10) due to my husband's home brewing tummy. 

Thank you everyone for the well wishes, we are excited and looking forward to this life changing experience.  We are ready for this next step of our journey together...bring on the swim meets, baseball games, band recitals and girls scout camping (no I'm not pulling for one or the other ;-))

Baby at 12 weeks 4 days

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you and Kyle and I cannot wait to meet the newest addition.
