Saturday, July 23, 2011


We stopped for the night in Liverpool to drop off the car and catch a train to Holyhead for our ferry ride to Dublin.

We walked around Liverpool and saw the sights. No football games were going on, but it is obvious they are very into their soccer.

We also didn't see any Beatles but the city is pretty unique. Take this picture, the old buildings in the background, modern condo/office builds and the old time fishing vessels in the fore ground.

Didn't get a chance to go up the tower but it is a prominent back drop of the city. We could always tell our way back to our hotel.

We got another interesting hotel, old hotel that seems like it would have been a real hot spot in it's day but now it is a little creaky and kind of dingy. This is our room...very high ceilings and interesting paint job.

Did a little reorganizing of the luggage and then hit the sack for our early or ing ride to the ferry.

Time to leave one island for another :)

- Shalyce

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