Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cork, Blarney Stone and Killarney

After finding breakfast and our rental car in Dublin we got on the road to Cork. Cork is a fairly small town but another location crazy about their rugby! Kyle and I overheard at dinner that Cork was playing Saturday in the Europe semifinals, so we hurried back to our B&B to look up how we could go watch. We stayed at the location below, very old home run by two Lithuanian woman. Ours is the room on the '1st' floor (European first is our second) with the bay window. Lovely breakfast but definitely the most uncomfortable bed yet, sorry Paris this bed had you beat.

So back to the rugby, we looked into the tickets and unfortunately they were going to be playing in Dublin! Of course, the place we just left! Why not?! Oh well, continue on with our fun as planned.

For the rest of the evening we headed back into the town center and stopped off at the cathedral, HUGE! We just missed gnu inside but we peaked in and the stained glass windows looks amazing, oh well, next time and next cathedral, sure that isn't the last one we will see.

I skipped ahead a little earlier about dinner, we stopped at a pub and met two very nice americans, father and daughter, here in Ireland to research their family history. Kyle enjoyed the lamb stew and I had a cottage pie (shepard's pie basically), excellent!

On our walk home I got a night shot of the cathedral, a little shaky but still a nice shot. Back to the room for some sleep before on to Killarney.

Slight detour on our way to Killarney, can't come to Ireland a SECOND time and not kiss the blarney stone! Here is a shot of Kyle and the tower behind him. Not only is the experience of kissing the stone awesome but the grounds and gardens surrounding the tower are beautiful. I can post more pictures of that another time.

Not only is the experience of kissing the stone awesome but the grounds and gardens surrounding the tower are beautiful. I can post more pictures of that another time but here is a sample of the cool shots.

And here is the money shot! That's me in the purple, kissing the stone. No wonder the blog is so wordy this post, right? I am now blessed with the gift of eloquence. There was absolutely no line for the stone, we totally lucked out!

Since we were in the neighborhood, a trip to County Cork wouldn't be complete without a stop at the Jameson's distillery. See picture below of Kyle at the enterance.

Oh yes and me, the one that dislikes whiskey, was an official taste tester and now have a certificate to show for it :)

Before leaving cork we booked a room in Killarney and we ended up with the location below. They only had a family style room so we were living in luxury, well at least had a ton of space! This by FAR had the best bed of the entire trip. The problem with being so far north is that it stays light until well after 11pm and gets light again around 5am...throws me off and I wake up several times a night thinking we have over slept. Oh well, one of the perks to look forward to going home, there needs to be something, right? Oh yeah the pups too.

As you can see in the picture above, the hydrangea bush in front of the B&B was huge! I took some close up shots to show off the true colors, that's all I'm going to say about the next couple pictures other than I wish I had such great luck with these flowers.

For being a small town the center of town was hopping! It may be due in fact that they are hosting the Irish open next weekend, but it was crazy busy and the food was ridiculous expensive! We took a walk along a river trail in the national forest directly across the street from our room. This was one of the views of the town cathedral along the walk, probably can't see in this size picture but there are several deer in the meadow.

Part of the walk was along a 'river', the shades of green are amazing! The dogs would have had a blast in this creek.

After a dinner of burgers and donners, we headed back to the room for some blogging on my part and a little Die Hard action for Kyle, great way to relax after a busy day.

Going to do some hiking tomorrow and make our way up to Galway and the cliffs of Moher tomorrow. Having a blast in Ireland, can't wait to share more :)

- Shalyce

Location:Ross Rd,,Ireland

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