Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Edinburgh Day 2

Day 2 in Edinburgh... Rain! We hopped the bus to the city center to go exploring.

First stop to get out of the rain, the whiskey experience. You start your tour with a ride in a whiskey barrel, very mr. Toads wild ride feeling but very explanatory on the process of making whiskey.

At the end of the tour you are taken into a room with the largest unopened collection of scotch whiskey, a Brazilian man collected them and sold them to the museum for an undisclosed amount of money. There were thousands and thousands of bottles. My favorite had to be the bottles shaped like highland terriers, Scotty dogs!

Kyle in the hall of whiskey, he said he was in heaven...hehe

I didn't much care for my taste but Kyle finished off for me. I tasted from the lowlands, supposed to be more citrusy and Kyle tasted from the region of Islay, much more smokey flavor. They both tasted like whiskey to me, but Kyle loved his taste.

When we left the whiskey experience the sun was out so we headed to the Edinburg castle. We loved it, what a wonder tour. Took about 2.5 hours, so much to see and tons of Scottish history involved.

Kyle posing with Mont Meg, huge cannon, something Ike 70tons. They used human power to move it around...needless to say they didnt use this cannon very much, it could fire only 7-8 times in a DAY. Not what you call efficient.

This is a picture of the war memorial...tribute to the Scottish so Odets that have fallen in all the wars in history. Breath taking and sad all at once.

Panoramic view of Edinburg. We didn't feel like we scratched the surface of evert ing you could see in the city. But we had so much fun and were so blessed with beautiful weather for the most part.

To round out the day we returned to a restaurant we passed earlier in the day and it caught our eye. Seriously the best food of the whole trip, up to that point ;) The bowl of mussels was outrageous! White wine sauce with garlic and jalepenos, to die for...yummy. But wait, to top it off the gnocchi we had was gave the dishes I had in Italy a serious run for their money. Creamy bleu cheese and spinach gnocchi, delicious doesn't do this dish justice! Everyone that goes to Edinburg needs to eat here.  http://gordonstrattoria.com/

Dinner down, it was laundry time! We did the essentials...unfortunately they weren't dry by the morning so we have had them spread out in th car drying since...hehe, a little oakey but it gets us clean socks and undies.

In the morning we head out to see St. Andrews and then adventure out see what we can see. We are having a blast!

- Shalyce

1 comment:

  1. Haha, laundry drying in the car, classic Shalyce! That dinner sounds so delicious, yummy.
