Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Baby and Life Update - 34 weeks

Quick baby status update...I went to the Dr. last week for my 34 week check up, I go again next week for 36 week and then I start my once a week can it be time for that already?!?! Wowzers!  Anyways, baby is doing great by all accounts, seems to be head down (although it doesn't make much difference for our c-section situation) so I get a lot of kicks in the ribs and punches in the bladder.  Baby seems to be a stretcher more than a kicker, tons of rolling moments and it feels like the pressure builds and builds and builds and then does a big roll with a great "relief" feeling.  Heartbeat was in the 140s bpm range and I generally don't have any complaints or complications other than just general body fatigue due to this added baby weight.

So far I'm tracking pretty close to weight gain trend as I did with Killian, so I'm happy with that progress.  My stomach seems to be much more filled out with this baby than it was with my "basketball" belly for Killian; not sure if that is because this is second baby or if it is an indication of a baby sister but we'll know in less than 5 weeks time.  Yesterday was technically the start 5 week countdown for "extraction."  I generally feel good all day long with the belly and baby really slowing me down after work, just soooo tight and feeling gianormous.  I've found that sleeping in my compression socks or even wearing them to work tends to help with my new found swelling ankles.  After my sprinkle this weekend my poor feeties and belly felt like they were going to pop, but with a little relaxation and back to work not on my feet we seem to be getting back to normal.

I started my hospital bag last night, that feels really good to have pretty much ready should baby expedite arrival date.  Just need to thrown in a couple baby outfits and grab my pillow and nursing pillow and we should be ready to roll to the hospital.  I'm ready with a Killian "package" should I need to drop him off at a friends house prior to my mom being able to make it to town, including addresses to school, release for medical care, copies of insurance cards, you name it he is ready.  Will pack him a little backpack this week with a change of clothes, jammies and diapers should we need to grab it and go.  I'm beyond grateful for friends close to the hospital who are willing to watch him in a pinch.  It is also a relief knowing Kyle's brother is so close should something happen in the middle of the night; if things happen early hopefully he would be able to come over in a pinch should we need to get to the hospital in the dead of night.  They are due with their own new baby at the end of August but hopefully being early not late would alleviate a conflict.

After our sprinkle this weekend, big thanks to Carolyn, my sister and my mom, I feel like we are definitely in a good place with a very minimal amount of items outstanding before being prepared for the new arrival.  I went ahead and moved those items to an amazon registry in order to hopefully take advantage of a little discount on those items.  I'm still on the hunt for a deal on a rocker for the upstairs nursery but all in all we are getting ready to call it good to go!  Killian loves to say good morning to baby and gives kisses to my belly at night time.  He is going to be a fantastic brother, we know there will be adjustments but overall we are super excited to see him interact with our new addition.

I'll stop there with the words and add some pictures on the bump, Killian during 4th of July and the sprinkle of course :-)  More fun to come as the day draws near!

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