Night time~
As I added this picture to the last blog post, it dawned on me that I would really like to memorialize our nightly routine at the moment. It is so precious that I want to remember it always. We usually kick it off by having little dude sit and go potty, roll that into jammy time, possibly followed by some ice cream or a cookie treat but not always, wrapping up the prep routine with brushing our teeth. Once all that is done, we ask if he wants Mommy or Daddy to read him books...99.9% of the time the answer is daddy, followed by a very sad and desperate plea for daddy if mommy walks him into his room. After reassurance that daddy will be right in Killian starts picking out his books of choice while mommy shuts down the room, turns on the night lights and sound machine. Daddy and Killian sit in the chair, mommy covers them with his little red blanket (that he stole from me might I add) and Killian then insists "Tucker in!" for book time. He has even gone as far as telling "Kia out" when Sequoia happens to wander into his room during our prep time. Apparently bedtime book time is a boys only activity. A request is placed for mommy to get his juice (mostly water with a splash of apple juice). Mommy brings the juice back, we exchange multiple kisses and I love yous, he gives baby a kiss goodnight and then Mommy leaves the boys to it. Sometimes I sneak a peak of the happenings on the Killian camera but most of the time I relax and listen for any "Mommy" shots for juice refills. I go in every night before I call it a night, turn on his fan if needed, cover him up and refill his juice in case he gets thirsty in the night. I peek in on the camera before I turn off my bedside lamp and sleep until our morning routine can start.
Mornings have become quite possibly my most favorite time of the day. Kyle and I both go about our business getting ourselves showered, dogs fed, coffee made, makeup on, hair done before waking up the "monster." While I wake up the munchkin, Kyle usually gets breakfast pulled together, whether that is cereal or pancakes, yogurt or cereal bar. I get the joy of carrying the peanut out of his room and sitting with him on my lap to enjoy his breakfast. Daddy usually eats his breakfast with us, while I have already eaten prior to him getting up. Most mornings I have to gently re-wake Killian up while at the breakfast table because he just hasn't given into the fact that we really do have to wake up and get the day started. The sweet boy loves his bunny and froggy so much that he makes sure they get breakfast too, every bite needs to first go to froggy, num num num, then bunny, num num num, and THEN Killian. Each morning I get a sweet little finger "honking" my nose to see what my horn sounds like that particular day. Strangely enough when I honk his horn the answer lately has been "broken," HA! the little jokester. He just cracks me up. After breakfast and snuggles, we have him sit on his potty, where he is getting good at peeing on command. He takes such pride in letting us know he has gone. I typically run upstairs while he is on the potty and change my clothes. After he has gone potty he helps us dump it in the toilet and then wash his hands. Off he goes with daddy to get dressed for the day, topping it off with either his fast shoes or fast sandals. Quick tooth brushing, vitamins and an application of sunblock before we all load up in the car to head out. Killian and Mommy drop daddy off at the light rail station with a cute exchange of "love yous" and "miss you daddy" before we head off to school. Once at school, Killian gets a spray down of sunscreen before helping mommy open the door to the school, such joy when the door joys he always squeals. Next he helps me push the buttons on the computer to sign him in to school, says "hi" or "morning" to the front desk lady and off we go to class. Before we get down the hall he is already requesting his teachers "Abby here?" he runs into class and distributes big hugs before sending mommy off with a couple kisses. Second breakfast starts when I walk out the door including a small bowl of cereal to make sure he has energy for all the fun ahead.
We just love the peanut and I am so glad we each have our special time with him. He makes my heart sing with pride and love, we are so luck he is ours and I wouldn't trade him ever!
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