Wow, it has been a couple weeks since I've updated the blog...where to start, bump and baby I suppose. So up to this point my pregnancy has been going so smooth I wouldn't even know I was pregnant expect this large bump growing before my eyes. But this last 2-3 weeks have taken a toll on my health, nothing serious I've gotten a couple head colds that due to my system concentrating on baby have turned into much larger colds than normal and have hung around longer than they should. In all my years working I have rarely taken days off work due to colds but my energy and concentration levels have been zapped more from the cold than normal so I've had to call in sick and hang with the pups to get better. To top things off I made my first trip to the hospital to get checked out after work on Thursday due to blurred vision before and after work. Things checked out fantastic, baby was very healthy and it seems no sleep and stressful work gave me a migraine, thankfully no preeclampsia. Although I never want to go to the hospital when not necessary, it did give me a little glimpse into what I will experience with the hospital staff in the very near future. I was very pleased with the bedside manner and the attentiveness I experienced.
As for baby, now that I am at 35, almost 36 weeks, I go to the Dr. once a week for check ups. She has done two pelvic exams to check my progress and each time she said nothing should happen for another 2-3 weeks but she has been surprised before. If something were to happen now, she would not stop the progress if things were to get rolling now. So will we have a March or April baby, only time will tell. When I visited this week, Dr. couldn't tell position of baby so she is going to do an ultrasound on Monday to get a better look at how baby is sitting in my belly. At 32 weeks the tech told me baby was butt up under my ribs and it doesn't feel like anything has changed with the pressure so we will see on Monday what we see.
Besides the head colds and migraine, I feel great, tight tummy skin and lots of peeing but baby is dancing up a storm. Sleeping has been difficult for me and I can't figure out why, I'm not uncomfortable and I'm not worrying about things, sleep is just playing hide and seek from me. Oh well, I'll make it through.
Quick trip to LA...when Kyle and I were flying home from the surprise trip to San Diego, I said whelp that is the last trip until baby arrives, little did I know not 2 weeks later we would get back on an airplane. My dad's mom has been diagnosed with stage 3/4 lung cancer and her time with us is limited, so Kyle and I, my mom and dad, and Mychal and Devarae all converged on her house for the weekend just to hand out and spend some time with her. She was doing amazingly well and I am hopeful that she will get to meet her great grand baby very soon. We had gorgeous weather while we were down visit and got in some time with my mom's mom too. This trip was the first time we got to really see Devarae's bump, can't wait to meet her little baby in June/July.
To round out this blog post I am sharing the two sneak peak photos that were shared with us from our maternity photo shoot. We Bree in Monterey on 17 mile drive so a chilly day of photos. She did an extremely good job making what can be an awkward experience into something fun and very special. We had a great experience and can't wait for her to document our delivery and meeting baby for the first time, then doing our infant photos. If you are in the area and need a photographer, please check out her website, she does amazing work. This is such a special time for us and to have such beautiful pictures to document it is an even more special gift, thank you Bree!
Next blog I will share photos and thoughts about the out of this world baby shower my sister, mom and grandma threw for me this weekend.
I hope your grandma gets well soon and gets to meet her great grand baby. You look adorable and before you know it your little bundle of joy will be here. Thanks for sharing! It has been fun following your pregnancy especially since we live many miles apart. Hugs! xx