Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Baby Shower

What a fantastic day!  I feel so honored and blessed to have so many ladies (and men) that love me and our baby.  We celebrated the new addition to the Childers' household on a glorious day.  It was a shower to remember, with homemade umbrella cookies, a deliciously cute cake, yummy food, beautiful decorations, crafts that baby C will get to use for the first few months of their life, gifts out the wazoo and more laughter and love than all the rest combined.  My sister did such an amazing job of thinking of all the little details, what an amazing party planner she is, I am so extremely lucky to have her by my side.  Thank you to all those that joined the party whether it was in person or in spirit, baby C feels the love!  There will never be enough words that I can put together to thank my family, especially my sister, for such a wonderful party.

Shannan and her Mom Karen, helping do day of details, thank you for coming to joint he party.

Dessert table with beautiful decorations.

Onsie station

Diaper raffle

Guests enjoying the sunny morning, eating and decorating onsies

Teacup favors, what a cute idea, the guests loved it!

That would be me :-)  trying to stay cool in the warm sun

homemade cookies, still enjoying them

Grandma, Mommy, baby C and Twink

Gifts setup outside, ended up opening them inside due to the warm weather

G. Grandma and Grandma to be, beautiful ladies

Me and Shannan catching up and enjoying the weather

decorations and dessert station, thank you Devarae for all the pictures and the beautiful decorations

How adorable is this cake?!?!

Onsie from Auntie Devarae and Uncle Mychal

Trying to pick my favorite of the homemade onsies, that was a difficult decision

Basketball ladies sans Kale, thank you for coming to the party


4 generations, love these ladies (and maybe a couple boys???)

Auntie Cassie, thank you for making the trip to join the party

cool timeline Devarae put together, neat to see the progress all lined up

My mom surprised me with pictures of Kyle as a baby, how fun to see us side by side.

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