Friday, December 27, 2019

Holidays and Bump 22, 23 & 24

How can it be that we are done with Christmas and taking down the pretty lights and decorations is on the list of "to-dos" already?!?!  This year's Christmas morning was one for the memory books, the boys were so good and just enjoyed the season so much.  Watching the excitement was magical.  Santa (or "Christmas" as Lochlan calls him) brought Killian roller  blades and Lochlan a walking robot.  Both boys were over the moon with their presents.  The hit of the day were little pokemon transformer balls that Kyle picked up as a gift between the boys for one another.  Crazy what they gravitate toward.  We were all extremely spoiled by loved ones and couldn't be more thankful for all the love and well wishes.  The only thing that would have been the cherry on the top of the morning would have been a full strength bloody Mary but there is always next year, HA!

Speaking of this bump I'm carrying around with me and is growing I swear overnight and feels bigger than it should be at this point but I guess that's what happens by number 3.  My last appointment was on Monday (posted the heartbeat and a quick update previous blog), the next is in January and then we jump to every 2 weeks.  We are rounding the corner on the third wonder I'm feeling large!  HA!  Basically missing the first trimester has really sped this one up, trying really really hard to enjoy all the little things that previously I didn't enjoy but knowing this is my last I'm giving it a shot.  For example, BOTH boys got to feel baby kick last night, it was so awesome to watch them both feel the little thump and register that it was a baby. 

Overall I've been feeling good, getting sleep and trying my hardest not to get sick during this ugly time of year for colds/flu.  I took the day before and after x-mas off and all three days (including christmas) the boys slept in until 8-930, so this mama got some really good couch, coffee and book time before the madness started.  I don't know what we did to deserve the sleepers but I'll take it, I feel extremely lucky and double triple fingers crossed this new one learns from big brothers. 

Poor sweet Birdie Mae has been had a sore paw for the last couple weeks and we have been unsuccessful getting her to leave it alone, so to the vet she went with Kyle yesterday.  She had to get a small abscess lanced, vet thought something got into her paw and was trying to make its' way out and got infected.  She came home SUPER groggy and out of it.  She has been wearing the "cone of shame" and doing a stellar job of leaving her bandage alone so far but it was a a LLLLOOOONNNGGG night for this pregnant lady!  I finally gave up at just about 4am and went downstairs, started the coffee and read my book.  I had a great job on the morning, had my hair done and dressed well before the munchkins woke up.  Needless to say I am beat today and am so glad it is Friday and I get to sleep in and catch up tomorrow.  I find that when I wear myself out too much is when I get sick and then I can't fight off the cough thus can't sleep and the cycle continues. So sleep this weekend!

I'll leave everyone with a thank you for a wonderful year, you all help to make our lives fun, enjoyable and are instrumental in helping make all the memories my children will look back on fondly later in life.  We love our family and friends fiercely and only regret that there are not more hours/days/weeks/months in a year and that we aren't ridiculously rich and have to work, otherwise we would be visiting you all in person all the time.  Here's to a fabulous 2019 and cheers to a promising 2020.  PS - can anyone else not believe that it has been 20 years, repeat 20 years, since Y2K?!?!?!  How is that even possible...we all survived and here we go into another decade.  Love to all and Happy New Year! 


Cuddling with "his" baby

Birdie post surgery, poor girl

found some good lights in our neighborhood

boys loving the light up vests and x-mas lights

Mr. Potato Head was a big hit!

Opening his fishing pole from PA!

Stocking candy is the best candy ever

Lochlan is still not a fan of Santa

Me and my boys :-)

that's a rutabaga is anyone was unclear, HA!

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