Tuesday, October 29, 2019

About Time...

So if you haven't heard, here it is...we are having another baby! Due April 14th, yep that's 5 days after Killian's 5th birthday....oopsie, thankfully he seems to be more excited than disappointed.  Plus, based on my past procedures I will likely go in for the c-section a week or so prior, so if all goes as planned (which we know with wee babies that is not really up to me, HA!) he/she will join our family officially on April 6th-ish.

I'm a little late to the bump picture game, the last two I started at 10 weeks but when I didn't even discover for sure I was pregnant until 12 weeks, that bump documentation is a little tough.  So, we started this time at 14 weeks.  So far, the boys have been great with wanting to be in the pictures with me, Miss Birdie Mae even joined in this morning.  Tuesdays are the designated bump days, it lines up with the weekly milestones and Mondays are my work from home days, so all the pictures would be sweat pants and hoodies and who wants to document that?!?!

And before you ask, this was not a Oopsie baby, we were planning this it just happened a little faster than expected and my body decided to throw me off with a false period.  3 was always in our plan and we couldn't be happier.

My next appointment is on Nov. 18th, we will do the anatomy ultrasound to make sure baby is growing normally and confirm all is healthy.  Due to my advanced age, again ;-), I have had genetic testing done already and confirmed that there is a very low risk of any problems...YAY!!!  Which also means, they tested the baby DNA for the Y chromosome (aka boy).  In the past we haven't found out baby gender until delivery but this time being our last and having two little munchkins at home to prep, we decided to try something different and do know the baby's gender.  We've done a gender reveal to the boys but are holding off doing a larger reveal until I'm ready to share. 

I know I know, all you planners out there can't understand my thinking but I need time to process everything before I get everyone's well intention-ed comments on the gender and what that will/won't mean to our family dynamic.  My mama heart gets super sensitive to peoples' comments when I'm pregnant and I know from past experiences it would crush me a little every time someone were to say "yay, you finally get pink and sparkles" or "whoa that's going to be a lot of boys" etc. etc. I know that no one will mean these as offensive or hurtful but it just doesn't make a difference to me one way or the other girl or boy, I'm going to love this baby and their uniqueness means to our family.  Don't get me wrong, if we have a girl I will have to come to terms with changing my signature line from Shalyce & "The Boys" to something else catching and cute, I'll have to wrap my brain around having to share my clothes with another person in the house some day, bracing myself for hormones and tears, to having a daddy's girl instead of all mama's boys, so many things to adjust to.  And if we have another boy, mourning the loss of having a daughter to teach makeup tips to, braiding hair, ballet classes (yes, I know boys can do them too), first crushes, boy talk, wrapping my brain around 3 daughter-in-laws some day and how I can be the mother in law they want to be around.  So many things to think about with this one, and I would like to process all of that privately before having to put on the happy face and "defend" the positive of the outcome when the gender is revealed. 

So, in due time, baby's gender will be revealed and however it turns out I hope everyone is happy and excited for us (based on social media thus far, the happiness and support is TOTALLY evident).  I will say, if this baby is a boy, I'm going to need HELP coming up with a good name, we've already used up two good ones and have set the bar high.  Girl name we've got all wrapped up and ready to go from the last go around (everyone still seems to be all in on that one). 

ANY WHO, here are bump pictures from the last several weeks...more to come as time ticks by

One extra :-)

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