Thursday, June 22, 2017

Killian - Books/Night time & Breakfast Snuggles

Night time~
As I added this picture to the last blog post, it dawned on me that I would really like to memorialize our nightly routine at the moment.  It is so precious that I want to remember it always.  We usually kick it off by having little dude sit and go potty, roll that into jammy time, possibly followed by some ice cream or a cookie treat but not always, wrapping up the prep routine with brushing our teeth.  Once all that is done, we ask if he wants Mommy or Daddy to read him books...99.9% of the time the answer is daddy, followed by a very sad and desperate plea for daddy if mommy walks him into his room.  After reassurance that daddy will be right in Killian starts picking out his books of choice while mommy shuts down the room, turns on the night lights and sound machine.  Daddy and Killian sit in the chair, mommy covers them with his little red blanket (that he stole from me might I add) and Killian then insists "Tucker in!" for book time.  He has even gone as far as telling "Kia out" when Sequoia happens to wander into his room during our prep time.  Apparently bedtime book time is a boys only activity.  A request is placed for mommy to get his juice (mostly water with a splash of apple juice).  Mommy brings the juice back, we exchange multiple kisses and I love yous, he gives baby a kiss goodnight and then Mommy leaves the boys to it.

Sometimes I sneak a peak of the happenings on the Killian camera but most of the time I relax and listen for any "Mommy" shots for juice refills.  I go in every night before I call it a night, turn on his fan if needed, cover him up and refill his juice in case he gets thirsty in the night.  I peek in on the camera before I turn off my bedside lamp and sleep until our morning routine can start.

Mornings have become quite possibly my most favorite time of the day.  Kyle and I both go about our business getting ourselves showered, dogs fed, coffee made, makeup on, hair done before waking up the "monster."  While I wake up the munchkin, Kyle usually gets breakfast pulled together, whether that is cereal or pancakes, yogurt or cereal bar.  I get the joy of carrying the peanut out of his room and sitting with him on my lap to enjoy his breakfast.  Daddy usually eats his breakfast with us, while I have already eaten prior to him getting up.  Most mornings I have to gently re-wake Killian up while at the breakfast table because he just hasn't given into the fact that we really do have to wake up and get the day started.  The sweet boy loves his bunny and froggy so much that he makes sure they get breakfast too, every bite needs to first go to froggy, num num num, then bunny, num num num, and THEN Killian.  Each morning I get a sweet little finger "honking" my nose to see what my horn sounds like that particular day.  Strangely enough when I honk his horn the answer lately has been "broken," HA!  the little jokester.  He just cracks me up.  After breakfast and snuggles, we have him sit on his potty, where he is getting good at peeing on command.  He takes such pride in letting us know he has gone.  I typically run upstairs while he is on the potty and change my clothes.  After he has gone potty he helps us dump it in the toilet and then wash his hands.  Off he goes with daddy to get dressed for the day, topping it off with either his fast shoes or fast sandals.  Quick tooth brushing, vitamins and an application of sunblock before we all load up in the car to head out.  Killian and Mommy drop daddy off at the light rail station with a cute exchange of "love yous" and "miss you daddy" before we head off to school.  Once at school, Killian gets a spray down of sunscreen before helping mommy open the door to the school, such joy when the door joys he always squeals.  Next he helps me push the buttons on the computer to sign him in to school, says "hi" or "morning" to the front desk lady and off we go to class.  Before we get down the hall he is already requesting his teachers "Abby here?" he runs into class and distributes big hugs before sending mommy off with a couple kisses.  Second breakfast starts when I walk out the door including a small bowl of cereal to make sure he has energy for all the fun ahead.

We just love the peanut and I am so glad we each have our special time with him.  He makes my heart sing with pride and love, we are so luck he is ours and I wouldn't trade him ever!

Status Update - AKA milestones for the next one (should that be in our cards) 30 & 31 weeks

Photos first :-)

Soooo here we are less than 8 weeks from "extraction" date...I can't help but feel like this little baby is growing quicker and bigger every day, yes i know it is but goodness it literally feels like it!  While it's fresh in my mind I'll just complain a little bit about swelling, it is new to me this time around, there was no swelling with Killian so when I came home from the grocery store last night with a cankle where my ankle had formerly been I was slightly concerned.  Kyle and Killian did an excellent job of letting me kick my feet up and let the swelling recede.  They went on a bike ride around the block and daddy made dinner.  I'm super happy the evenings have been cooling down so our little house wasn't a little heater box.  This weekend is supposed to be in the 100s so we'll be testing our AC out for sure!  The central AC works fantastic for the basement and the first floor but I put in a request to install the window unit upstairs to help supplement should the night air not cool down and chill our bedroom.  Kyle jumped right on it and the unit is in place should we need it.

Speaking of sleeping, boy is it getting hard for me to get comfortable and get a solid nights sleep.  This watermelon is just taking up so much precious space and makes finding just the right position to catch some zzzs nearly impossible.  I still won't complain though because Killian is sleeping like a champ and the long stretches in bed are amazing!

On the topic of sleeping like a champ, our little dude is a camping PRO!!!  We went camping with Kyle's brother and family for Father's day weekend, it was a blast.  Killian love riding his bike with his cousin Maya and got a kick out of throwing rocks into the lake.  I found it so interesting to sit and watch 3 grown men and a little boy find such joy in the simple act of chucking rocks into the lake.  The little things :-)  I don't think it will be all that long before we have to get Mr. K a bike with pedals, he is getting the hang of his balance bike and will be ready for the next step in no time.  He is so responsible and grown up, he wears his helmet every time without a fuss, he even asks mom to go on her bike when we go around the block and there is no way he will let me out of the yard without my helmet on.  So grown up.  Back to the sleeping comment, the last night of camping we were finished with our s'mores and hanging out by the camp fire when Killian asked us to take his shoes off so he could go in the tent to go to bed.  Smart little man.  Then during the night it started to rain, kept Kyle and I up most of the night wondering when the water was going to breach the waterproofness of the tent and start dripping on us.  Thankfully it never got to that point but we were up super early breaking down camp and getting packed up to head home.  It was Father's day so we figured let's get breakfast and then hang out at home in the sunshine.  Kyle and I broke the whole campsite down and just need to break down the tent but low and behold little dude was still snoozing.  He slept until 830 camping, WHO DOES THAT?!?!?  silly little boy

I went to my 32 week check up today.  I discussed the swelling and Dr. Hansen said it's pretty normal, especially this time of year for pregnancy swelling to happen.  She said not to be concerned unless it become painful and red.  Otherwise to try and stay cool and put feet up when possible.  Moral of the story, if there is to be a number 3, no 3rd trimester during the summer months, no no no.  Otherwise baby is measuring just where little one should and heart beat is 145-150, strong and steady.  Good news, she said going upstairs to our bedroom after the c-section isn't a problem so no need to live downstairs unless I really want to.  BUT that will not stop me from pushing forward and trying to finish painting the downstairs bedroom and getting a new bed in there before my mom and sister get in town for the baby sprinkle.  I can do it I can do it!  Two more walls to paint and then order the pieces, so close!!!  Loving the progress so far.

Killian update, he is mastering going pee in his little potty and has even gone a couple times on the big potty.  We haven't convinced him to go poo in the potty yet but we'll get there.  No rush in our minds, he is doing fantastic thus far.  Killian is a HUGE fan of all things waffles/pancakes, cottage cheese, cutie oranges, cut up apples, hot dogs and "pizza" (pizza to him is pizza, quesadillas and grill cheese sandwiches).  Oh and he is a big marshmallow fan, even managed to convince us to give him one with breakfast camping ;-)  He continues to blow our minds with all that he says and does, such a smart, tender, spunky and kind boy.  He loves playing balloon volleyball in the kitchen and makes sure we have both our hands free to play (he instructs us to put our drinks down on the counter if we have one).  Killian and Kyle start soccer this weekend, we got an email from the league last night with instructions on expectations and an introduction to his coach.  The level he is in requires a parent's participation so mommy will go and watch while daddy gets to share this experience with him.  It is also Kyle's birthday on Saturday so we'll be celebrating with him.  Mommy and Killian start swim lessons again on Sunday, he sure is a little fish and I just love sharing that time with him.  Before swim lessons we will be meeting up with some mommies and kiddos at a splash pad park to play and beat the heat.

That's a pretty good update for one day.  More to come based on events, for know, picture dump :-)

we met Kyle downtown to see the ships of fleet week

two peas in a pod

playing the black and whites with his buddy Lewis

showing off Tucker's special 16th birthday cookie

Helping Mommy work from home on a sick day from school

our little bookworm

pancake breakfast at Killian's school for Father's Day

breakfast marshmallow

Friday, June 9, 2017

30 weeks

6 more weeks until baby is "cooked" enough for a safe arrival.  I'll be patient and hope little ones stays put until my c-section date but I can't say I would be too disappointed if the appearance was a little earlier.

I've reached out to a co-worker to do a few water colors for the nursery, I'm so excited to have some original framed prints to ties the room together.  I'm waiting on the decals I ordered from etsy, a curvy ribbon rainbow for the nursery nook and a dino name decal for big brother.  The two rooms are just about finalized and I could be happier.

This weekend could prove a busy one, I want to get the camping gear in order for next weekend and pull out baby stuff and go through it so I have some clothes on hand for new baby's arrival back home.  Plus I am getting a pedicure because i'm grossly overdue for one and we have a dinner/housewarming event on Saturday night.

All for now, I will post the weekly picture sometime after tomorrow when it gets taken but for now a side by side with Killian's 30 week shot and a cute picture with daddy, couldn't leave him out this morning.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


I felt hiccups from this new baby a couple days ago, they were very low on my left side...WAY down.  Killian got hiccups ALL the time but his were mostly up high close to my ribs on the right.  Fun little sensation and remind that baby is in there and doing well.  I got notice yesterday that little one is close to 3 lbs already.  If this one is anywhere near Killian's weight we've got a good 5+ pounds to go still, UGH, not appealing to mama, yikes!!!

enjoying a snack after school - frozen strawberry lemonade...too cute

Oh hey, speaking of hiccups, we've got some going on right now!  HEHE

Monday, June 5, 2017

Long Weekend and SUNSHINE!!!!

Couple bump pictures and then words followed by more pictures.

3 weeks worth of pictures, figured it is time.  I went to my 28 week appointment last week and all if good, baby is growing just as "it" should and I am returning to the land of healthy.  Baby's heartrate was around 145-150, good strong beats.  We've got the c-section scheduled bright and early in the morning of the 14th and now we start our every 2 week appointments.  I did my glucose test last week and everything came back normal, so Killian and I celebrated by making cookies that night.

Weekend before Memorial Day, we went up to Ooma and Pa's house.  Had fun in the sun, splashed in the kiddy pool and the big pool at Auntie Cassie's house.  The Hilton Family joined the fun for the pool party.  I love going home and getting to see my favorite people all together for such a great day.

Memorial Day weekend was just fantastic here in Portland.  The weather was gorgeous, we even set up a little pool in the yard and Killian enjoyed it all weekend.  We had a play date with Lewis & Carolyn and our new friends Lisa and her daughter Emerson at a cool natural very Portland of us ;-)  We also went hiking with Aaron, Luisa and the girls up in Washington, wore our little trooper out but he loved it!!  This weekend we finished up this round of swim lessons, went on a nature hike and watched a barge launch.  Go go go but being home in our own bed was so nice and helped me get back to the healthy side of this darn cold that got its' grips in me.  I was supposed to go to New Jersey this past weekend to visit Danielle, Nick and Vada but thought it would be better to stay home and get better.  I was so disappointed, I had been looking forward to the trip for a long time.  Now the summer is pretty full with other activities, guess I'll just have to head out that direction after our baby arrives and their new little girl...maybe a holiday trip to NYC to see the tree and all that goes along with it.  

Tonight, Killian and I are heading to the library to get some big brother books, add in some new reading to the rotation.  It has been a while since we've gone, think he will have fun with it.  After that we will enjoy one of the freezer meals I made with Carolyn this weekend, roast veggie mac and cheese topped with tater tots.  We are trying to this once a month until baby arrives to have a few meals on standby for that adjustment period after new baby.  So far we have done it 3 times and it is going great!  Next time is breakfast burritos, can't wait!  Maybe a breakfast casserole too?  Who knows.

This weekend coming up we have a housewarming dinner at a co-worker's house, we've had to reschedule a couple times so I'm looking forward to it actually happening this weekend.  The following weekend we go camping with Aaron and Luisa for two nights, hopefully the weather holds up and we have a great father's day camping celebration.  Then we really start rolling with fun summer plans, Kyle's birthday and Killian's "soccer" start, then 4th of July, followed by my baby sprinkle then Carolyn's then some concerts in the park and boom, time for baby to be here.

So much fun ahead!  We are continuing with the challenge of coming up with viable/agreeable names for this new baby.  Boy names are sure hard this time around! We'll get there and still have 10 weeks as of today...not a lot of time but still not in panic mode.  Enjoy the barrage of Killian pictures, until next time.