Friday, March 17, 2017

18 weeks - 4.5 months

One would think this would be the halfway mark but not technically...another couple weeks for that one.  Pants are getting tighter but not much else to report.  Hopefully that means things are going well and baby is just cozy and comfy.  I have been experiencing random pains from my round ligaments stretching and growing, mostly in the evening and very randomly.  This didn't happen with Killian so it is a new experience and not one I would wish on anyone, pretty unpleasant.  Thankful that they are very quick and don't repeat too often.

Tonight Kyle and I are taking advantage of Parent's Night Out at school and exploring a new restaurant.  Killian should have a blast celebrating St. Paddy's day with his friends and goofing off all evening.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day Everyone and even happier Friday.  Enjoy the weekend.

Shalyce and #babyChildersPDX

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