Monday, March 27, 2017

18 and 19 weeks...

Almost half way there, how did that happen?!?!

One week from today and we will get to see our new addition again. Can't wait for the confirmation that all is well and things are progressing as they should.

What's going on with the pregnancy this week?  Wow, we are definitely at the point between dr. visits where I start to get nervous and think things are probably not going well.  I don't feel baby anywhere near as much as one would expect for the second baby, and for sure not as much as Carolyn and her party animal.  I am very thankful for my blog posts with Killian, he didn't start giving my indications he was in there until about this stage of things.  I'm trying to stay positive but man it is sure hard when it feels like this little one is not producing as much action as would be expected.  Next Monday the 3rd we have our 20 week ultrasound to take measurements and make sure things are on track.  I guess this time around it feels really late and a little past due, we had this appointment around 18 weeks with Killian and got to see the little dude growing in there.

Overall I don't feel bigger than I did with Killian but I'm sure the bump is a little further along than the first time around, to be expected I suppose.  Next week I plan to do a side by side with Killian's bump so I can get a better look.

In general I feel great, so glad things are still treating me well and I'm able to keep up with the spitfire of an almost two year old who dominates our household.  He is constantly impressing us with everything he can do and communicate these days.  We are working on the potty and getting in a good routine with brushing teeth and putting things away.  Killian says thank you when we give him things and please when he wants them.  He is a very well mannered boy.  We love him so much.  His 2nd birthday is just around the corner and we couldn't be happier to be celebrating it with his good buddy Lewis!  They are the cutest things together, like salt and pepper, ying and yang, peanut butter and jelly.  They compliment each other but are so different.  It is fun to see them interact and teach each other different skills.  We are having the party at the park just across the street from our house, getting a pinata and Mexican food, perfect right?!?!

Killian has school pictures today and he went to school looking super dapper, hopefully they get their shots quickly.  He also didn't want to wear the cute skinny jeans I picked out for him so he went wearing slightly too short orange pants with his blue shirt (to compliment his eyes) and his infamous crocs and socks combo.  I can't wait to see the cuteness that are these pictures.

Trying something new here on this blog, going to set some "mama" goals for myself for the month of April, so here it goes:

  • Uber successful 2nd birthday party
  • Ooma worthy Easter egg and basket celebration
  • Pull together the nursery nook (at least finish the painting, lighting and assembly of furniture)
  • Look into a fix for the master bedroom wall texture
  • Paint dinosaur in Killian's room and install his curtains and wall decals
  • Print and hang some photos of us in the downstairs hallway
  • Buy and hang shade sail in backyard
  • Finish cleaning up the yards from the snow and ice disaster
  • Plant colorful flowers in the yard and on the front porch 
  • Buy colorful chairs for front porch
  • Plant tomatoes and lettuce for enjoyment this summer
I think that is a doable list and will really make our house feel like a home.

To round things out here are a couple pictures of Big Brother Killian!

Friday, March 17, 2017

18 weeks - 4.5 months

One would think this would be the halfway mark but not technically...another couple weeks for that one.  Pants are getting tighter but not much else to report.  Hopefully that means things are going well and baby is just cozy and comfy.  I have been experiencing random pains from my round ligaments stretching and growing, mostly in the evening and very randomly.  This didn't happen with Killian so it is a new experience and not one I would wish on anyone, pretty unpleasant.  Thankful that they are very quick and don't repeat too often.

Tonight Kyle and I are taking advantage of Parent's Night Out at school and exploring a new restaurant.  Killian should have a blast celebrating St. Paddy's day with his friends and goofing off all evening.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day Everyone and even happier Friday.  Enjoy the weekend.

Shalyce and #babyChildersPDX

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Big Day for Mister K

Not only was it the first time he actually went to the bathroom in his little potty but it was the first time he made a great escape from him crib!  Yikes :-/  He was a smooth operator on the escape, daddy didn't even realize he had gotten out.  Hopefully he doesn't repeat the maneuver, I'll be keeping a close watch on him.  If he makes this a regular thing, we may be converting his crib to a toddler bed sooner than we had hoped.

The fun continues in our household.  Good thing that little boy is so darn cute, I would be tempted to "send him back" if he wasn't ;-) HA!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Movement and Zippers

First, I'll start with the pictures :-)  Bump at 17 is definitely there, no denying but I still feel like I'm not forced into maternity clothes, a lot of my clothes still fit just fine, so I'm not giving in completely.

Killian shots of course.  Boy oh boy, is he working on his toddler attitude.  Sure does have an opinion about the strangest things.  I told Kyle this morning that it sounded like a cat fight in his crib, he was in there for a couple minutes to cool off, just worked himself into a little tizzy.  Kyle's parents are in town and staying with us for a few more days.  Thankfully the sun came out on Sunday so we were able to go to the park several times and get a little energy out.  Killian commandeered the stride bike from Uncle Aaron's household and was getting quite good at it, he wouldn't let me help stabilize him after a couple times, such a big boy!

daylight savings is rough on a toddler (and pregnant mommy too for that matter)
Stride bike fun with cousin Maya, she was helping give him lessons
Uncle Aaron and Maya came over for a pizza party, Killian and Maya say cheese!
Bundling up earlier in the week to play outside, at least it wasn't raining
Killian getting to know his new beta fish Seaweed
Dog Pile on Killian!!!

Sun's out = Soccer in the Park time!
In other news, definitely felt new baby kick this morning at work.  Hopefully that keeps up and I get little hellos now and again.  I can't wait until our 20 week appointment when we will get to see the little bugger again.  Started trying to nail down paint color for the nursery this weekend, think I've landed on Creme Fraiche a very light yellow.  Now the fun can start and we can get to painting.  Think I'm going to get light grey furniture for the room that can hopefully be used in all stages of baby's life.  

I did have to put on some maternity jeans this weekend but that was because my regular jeans were in the wash.  Still in that awkward phase that the maternity ones feel like they are constantly falling down due to the lack of the waste band but the normal ones are just a bit too tight.  Thank goodness for stretch pants and dresses :-)

Ok, lunch break over.  Until next update.  Happy Monday everyone.

Monday, March 6, 2017

16 week - PHEW

I went to the doctor this morning, got to hear baby's heartbeat (150 bpm).  Dr. was very please.  She was surprised I am still in my regular clothes but I don't feel like i need to change yet, I still fit them very comfortably.  I look forward to wearing all the new/reintroduced clothes but there will be plenty of time for that.

I look forward to starting getting the little nursery nook going, I can't wait to see how the Wizard of Oz theme comes together.

I feel fantastic and my mind has been eased hearing that little heartbeat this morning.  Can't wait to meet you little baby, it will be hear before I know it.  Until then I will enjoy this period where I'm feeling great and not uncomfortable and itching for my body space yet.

So many fun things coming up to celebrate not only this baby but little mister Killian.  CAN NOT believe he is going to be 2 in one month, where did my baby go and I am enjoying his little boyhood a lot.  He is be bestest little buddy and we have so much fun together.  Starting to plan his birthday party which he will share with his best buddy Lewis, Lewis was born 2 days before Killian and Lewis' new baby brother/sister is due 3 days after Killian.

Killian loves fishies right now, he could watch Finding Dory and Nemo all day long.  I found him a beta fish this weekend and we set it up in his room.  He is a red beta and we named him Seaweed.  Killian ran into his room this morning after breakfast and was in shock again that there was a fish in his room.  The wonder in his face was amazing.

Two years ago we were all getting together celebrating Killian with a fantastic amazing baby shower.  I still can not believe how many fantastic ladies, both friends and family, participated in welcoming Killian into our family.  I miss our friends but am just amazed about the community and friends we've already started cultivating here in the PNW.  Couldn't do it without you all.

Dog Pile!

New Fishy - Seaweed