Monday, December 8, 2014

Quick Update

Had my regular Dr. appointment today, everything went well and baby's heart was strong and kicking at the Dr.  We got an A+ grade :-)  Between now and 1/5/15 I have to go get my diabetes test done, thank goodness no fasting...drink I can handle not eating would be too much for me to survive!  Got information about birthing classes and a list of pediatricians to pick from so the next round of fun begins.

Our search for daycare continues, looking around for one by my work so I can utilize the carpool lane...I know selfish but I'm not above it, HA.  We found one we like down by home but the hunt continues just to be sure there isn't a carpool option. 

My mom brought the changing table down this weekend, it fits in the room perfectly and what special meaning it holds for me (it was the table my mom used for me and I used it as a dresser growing up).  Some new lining in the drawers and it will be good to go.  I'll insert a picture of it in this blog later, don't have one at the moment.

On top of the dresser delivery, my mom was here for the annual ladies' ornament exchange party. What a great group of ladies this year, we talked and talked and talked on top of exchanging some very beautiful ornaments.  Thank you to all who could make it and I already can't wait until next year :-)  More fun ahead with work parties and basketball parties and tacky sweater parties...not the best time of year to be sober but hey the sacrifices we make for our kids ;-)  wow that sounds weird to say but so true.

Sidenote - I can't wait for my black belly band to arrive, I tried to keep a pair of non maternity pants closed with a safety pin today and it didn't work too, but the band would have done the trick nicely.  Still too small for the belt extender thing but too big for my regular pants guess I go back to the jeggings ;-) speaking of, I have another pair in the mail somewhere I need to check the status of. 

Little baby is kicking up a storm these days and it is only going to get more distracted, so I apologize if I am talking to you and seem to stop paying attention at points, nothing personal, I'm sure whatever you are telling me is very interesting, just so distracting getting punched from the inside.

Alright I'll close out for now.  Enjoy some fun pictures from the past weekend and I'll tag on a couple more when I get them from Kyle or have a chance to take one at home.

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