Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Holiday Season

Merry Christmas everyone!!!  So here I sit at my gestational diabetes test, I have downed the dreaded liquid, no where as bad as I envisioned. Really tasted like the Orange "juice" we got as kids out of the big Orange McDonald's cooler after a sports game. I didn't have a problem drinking it in the allotted 5 minutes I was given, took about 30 seconds, wouldn't want to drag it out longer than that anyways. Boy oh boy does it make baby kick though...fun to sit here and feel all the activity.

Today marks my 180 day of pregnancy or so says my daily app.  That means after today I will be in the double digit count down, really is amazing ho  quickly things are flying by.  Kyle asked if we could go baby shopping this evening, start collecting some essentials for bringing munchkin home. Shower date has been nailed down, grandma has her plane tickets, things are starting to take shape.  My sister and mom are coming up next weekend  to help me decorate and finalize the nursery decor, can not wait.

For the holidays, Kyle and I made the long road trip down to southern California, so great to spend time with the family and just relax. My dad`s mom isn't doing so well so it was especially nice to visit with her for Christmas eve, another fabulous dinner with the Irgens side.  As is the tradition, we spoiled one another again this year. My grandma's living room was consumed my presents. Next year I imagine the recipients will be slightly younger in age and not quite as impressed by the massive pile of goodies, but the following year, oh goodness!!! The doggies enjoyed their vacation as well, walks multiple times a day with a morning run behind a local church with my mom and dad.

So along with progressing in weeks toward delivery and meeting our new family member, my belly continues to expand. I swear this baby is standing on its toes and stretching as far toward my ribs as possible all while sticking its little booty toward my belly button. The skin on my mid section is stretched just about as tight as it could go, after every meal I tell Kyle I feel like I am going to rip open.  And if you missed my confession on Facebook I am pretty sure my nice innie belly button is a thing of the past, at least until baby has arrived and I get to do some crunches. But these things are a small price to pay for the sweet baby we will get in April. 

Next milestone for me...continue cooking baby and visit doctor regularly. Ultrasound will be at 32 weeks so a little while to wait on that.

One last thing, I am writing on my kindle, so if something doesn't make sense please ignore for now, I am going to proof read from home this afternoon, thank you.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Holidays are closing in!

Let's start with baby news and then we can finish with holiday fun.  Baby is almost 6 months incubated (Thursday 12/18 - my mom's birthday).  I find kiddo likes to kick around morning snack time and later in the evening while I'm watching TV, it is always reassuring to get that little tap tap from the inside like "I'm still in here and doing well Mom, see you in a few months."  And then I think oh crap I literally only have 3.5 months left...how am I ever going to be ready for this, not mentally or emotionally but essentials-wise.  My belly is getting bigger and maternity pants are pretty much an everyday thing until I get home and relax in my cozy pants.  I did end up getting several pairs of pants for work from Old Navy and Motherhood.  I'm a much bigger fan of the under the belly pants than the fully coverage style, which is complete opposite of what I expected but hey it is what it is.  And maybe that will change as the belly continues to expand. 

23 weeks "big"
Kyle and I have a registry open on Amazon and I add things to it all the time thinking this is a really great thing, I'll need that or so and so suggested that I'll put it on there.  I just haven't gotten around to pulling the trigger and actually making some purchases.  But then I sit back and think you'll be fine, get the basics and what you have to have to get baby home and the rest will work out.  So, I envision after the new year and x-mas fun Kyle and I will be making a couple runs to Costco and Buy Buy Baby for the must haves and then wait for the baby shower to fill in the gaps :-) 

Oh yeah oh yeah, how could I forget the most important news since the last update...Devarae and Mychal are expecting a baby too!!!  End of June is their prediction as of now.  Kyle and I couldn't be happier for them and are so excited that they will have a cousin so close in age to grow up with...now if we could just get them to move closer to us ;-)  My parents are just over the moon excited, not one grandkid this spring/summer but 2!!!  I've been asked a couple times how I'm doing with the news and I just want to share that I honestly NEVER EVER considered this taking away from my experience, only adding to the happiness and excitement.  My only regret is that I won't have much older sister advice to pass along (or hand-me-downs).  I can just see into the future at all the summer trips to hang with cousin at Auntie and Uncle's house and us hosting their child, family vacations there will always be a buddy to hang out with and the bond they can form will be everlasting.  Now, the surprise part will be, do we both have girls or boys or one of each...only time will tell!!!  The picture below is how she told our family of the good news, both babies are present in the picture, my mom and I just didn't know it (this was when I went to San Diego in November).

I believe Kyle and I have a direction we would like to go with the nursery, if you look back at some of the older blogs say from the wedding or home remodeling you'll notice that I am a big fan of bright bold colors.  You may also notice that Kyle and I like to travel and see new places (also evident from our destination wedding).  So sticking with my natural draw we are going with a Pixar Up themed room.  Bright balloons, animals and adventures.  I can't wait to put the finishing touches on the nursery and make it "look" ready for its little inhabitant. I don't want to go over the top with Up but it will be my kicking off of the final product.
Crib and closet organizers coming together!

Futon in the baby room
Changing table in place (this is the one my mom used when she had me :-))
I started a prenatal yoga class on Sunday mornings with a couple friends, and boy oh boy I've already noticed a huge difference when I wake up in the mornings.  I was getting very stiff in my hips and just one session of stretching has helped immensely.  As time goes on I may start going a second night of the week but for now I'll hang with Sunday mornings and the gym other nights.  I've also signed us up for some of our "prep" classes...tour of the maternity wing at the hospital, infant care, breastfeeding and birthing classes.  Checking things off the list. 

Holidays...presents are being wrapped and ready to go to Southern California.  We should be leaving San Jose Tuesday 12/23 after work so hopefully we will make good time and our vacation can get started.  Kyle is planning to do some work while we are down there but hey I'll be with the family so more power to him :-)  not ideal but I understand. I believe he'll also be heading to San Diego to catch up with some friends and do a little golfing since he had to miss our trip in November.  While he is gone my mom, sister, grandma and I are heading to the spa for a little pampering!  Another first for us this year is Mychal and Devarae will not be with our family for the actual x-mas day, they are heading to Oregon to celebrate with his family.  They are very lucky to have them and they know they will be missed with our family but are in very good hands and loving hearts.  Enjoy the cold you two!  We went to my holiday party this last week, very fun, great turn out!  Didn't get a chance to upload a picture from Kyle's party in the last update so I'm including one from both our parties in this blog. 

Laura, Me and Kyle at the Kimley-Horn Holiday Function
Kyle, Me, Danielle (also expecting), and Nick at the Airport Holiday Party

Ok I think I've dumped enough for this lunch hour, now I get to insert pictures (everyone's favorite part).  Happy holidays to all and I hope your 2015 is as magical as ours.

Much love,
Kyle, Shalyce and Baby C

Tucker Dog helping decorate the tree....good boy!

Packages under the tree and Sequoia trying to refrain from chewing them up ;-)

Monday, December 8, 2014

Quick Update

Had my regular Dr. appointment today, everything went well and baby's heart was strong and kicking at the Dr.  We got an A+ grade :-)  Between now and 1/5/15 I have to go get my diabetes test done, thank goodness no fasting...drink I can handle not eating would be too much for me to survive!  Got information about birthing classes and a list of pediatricians to pick from so the next round of fun begins.

Our search for daycare continues, looking around for one by my work so I can utilize the carpool lane...I know selfish but I'm not above it, HA.  We found one we like down by home but the hunt continues just to be sure there isn't a carpool option. 

My mom brought the changing table down this weekend, it fits in the room perfectly and what special meaning it holds for me (it was the table my mom used for me and I used it as a dresser growing up).  Some new lining in the drawers and it will be good to go.  I'll insert a picture of it in this blog later, don't have one at the moment.

On top of the dresser delivery, my mom was here for the annual ladies' ornament exchange party. What a great group of ladies this year, we talked and talked and talked on top of exchanging some very beautiful ornaments.  Thank you to all who could make it and I already can't wait until next year :-)  More fun ahead with work parties and basketball parties and tacky sweater parties...not the best time of year to be sober but hey the sacrifices we make for our kids ;-)  wow that sounds weird to say but so true.

Sidenote - I can't wait for my black belly band to arrive, I tried to keep a pair of non maternity pants closed with a safety pin today and it didn't work too well...fail, but the band would have done the trick nicely.  Still too small for the belt extender thing but too big for my regular pants guess I go back to the jeggings ;-) speaking of, I have another pair in the mail somewhere I need to check the status of. 

Little baby is kicking up a storm these days and it is only going to get more distracted, so I apologize if I am talking to you and seem to stop paying attention at points, nothing personal, I'm sure whatever you are telling me is very interesting, just so distracting getting punched from the inside.

Alright I'll close out for now.  Enjoy some fun pictures from the past weekend and I'll tag on a couple more when I get them from Kyle or have a chance to take one at home.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Picture update - 20 & 21

Holy moly where does the time go?!?!  I know I know, just wait till baby arrives and then I'll really be saying that but it sure does seem to be moving in light speed right now.  Things are going extremely well for me, I feel wonderful and can really feel baby moving around now.  Little bits seems to be the most active in the evenings, kick kick kick.  I head to the Dr. again on Monday for the regular check up and I've been warned this is when we'll schedule my diabetes test...always a surprise.  Need/want to start looking into birthing classes and get signed up for a desirable time slot. 

Thanksgiving was great, spent some quality time with my parents and Grandma. Did a little black Friday shopping in Woodland/Davis, love the "crowds"!  HEHE.  We got our tree on Saturday and decorated indoors on Sunday, unfortunately it was pouring rain on Sunday so our exterior is still unlight...maybe this Friday I'll work on it when my mom gets into town :-)  I've slowly been shopping via amazon for x-mas presents and feel like I'm in good shape so far, trying to stay away from crazy crowds but we'll see if I can maintain! 

More pictures and updates to come as more things start happening.  Probably start working on baby shower dates and planning in the coming weeks/months.  Can't wait for our trip down south to see all the family. 

Enjoy the pictures :-)

Dad and Gram with 2 photo bombers
After the "trot"
Action Shot

Turkey Trot Crew
Frying the Turkey Tradition

Wicked game of ping pong

After thanksgiving birthday pie cake with special flower candle ablaze

Kyle helping pick out our Christmas tree

My turn to help with the tree picking

Best little helper dog around :-)