Monday, September 9, 2013

Zoni beach

What can I say about this beach other than we were literally snorkeling in a setting you would see from Disney! Amazing. I hope the pictures I took do it justice (have to load later, can't get them off my underwater camera till I get home). We saw a ray just hanging out, darn that I didn't have my camera then, all I could think about was the crocodile hunter and not getting too close. Tomorrow we are going on a catamaran to two small islands to see the oldest lighthouse in the Caribbean and swim with the turtles. I can't wait. Every day is a great day on vacation :) last night we treated ourselves to surf and turf, way good. Churrasco (skirt steak) is delicious here.


  1. Kyle is fried!!! Ouch! Looks like so much fun and I can't wait to see snorkeling pics. :)

    1. he was fried! i think he is still peeling from this vacation lol

  2. Replies
    1. makes me jealous now too! i wish i was back there right now
