Tuesday, February 15, 2011

So Far Behind...

I don't even know where to start...I'll just post pictures and then fill in gaps...let's start with the going away party in the park. I had a WONDERFUL time, so many awesome people showed up, more than i could have asked for. I was randomly taking pictures so forgive me if they aren't the best or if I'm not featured in a lot of them. Thank you to everyone that came to send us off in style. Next to come, surprise happy hour, the movers, tucker's ouchy, move in to SJ, and a quick trip to San Francisco.

Portion of Party 'Go-ers'

Baby Girl Elizabeth

Jessi, Noah, Tammie and George

Kien, Nensi, and Moi

Shalyce and Lexi
Dyl-bug, me and Kalena (aka Jenn Steen)
See the crowd! Beautiful Day
Sabrina and Lily with their B's
Talking football with the boys, Mychal, Kyle and Mario is back there somewhere

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