Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Moving and Packing...it's REAL!

This process was freakin' amazing...the packers showed up about 9am and went to town. Then while they were packing up EVERYTHING the TV packers came and built a box for my plasma TV. Then about 11:30 the movers showed up with a HUGE truck. They loaded everything we owned into the truck and were gone by 3pm. They do NOT mess around that's for sure. Needless to say, with two large dogs and a lot of "no packer" stuff to pack, the 4-Runner was stuffed to the gills! Check it out. Oh yeah, and while we are trying to load up the car, the floor guy showed up and started sanding our hardwood floors, that's right, just as we leave we get the floors refinished...lucky renter!

and the 4-runner stuffed!

the BIG truck...we filled about 1/4 of it

Custom built TV box

Living room in the works

Kitchen all packed up, well almost

Best Surprise EVER

so the special ladies in my life organized a surprise happy hour at the Del for me...lead by Christine, we had a fabulous time, uninterrupted by any unwelcome company! All the ladies I loved were around me. they spent a lot of time gathering pictures of all our fun memories in SD and made a mug for me to take with me and see their smiling faces every day. on top of that a couple got me special gifts, personalized dog tags with our new address (thank you Tammie) and a web cam so I can skype with all my loved ones...virtual wine night ;-) thank you all so much, i miss you every day
The whole group.

Nensi and I

Me and Katie

Me and Dominica

Tammie, me and Christine

Me and Devarae (you so pretty :-))

So Far Behind...

I don't even know where to start...I'll just post pictures and then fill in gaps...let's start with the going away party in the park. I had a WONDERFUL time, so many awesome people showed up, more than i could have asked for. I was randomly taking pictures so forgive me if they aren't the best or if I'm not featured in a lot of them. Thank you to everyone that came to send us off in style. Next to come, surprise happy hour, the movers, tucker's ouchy, move in to SJ, and a quick trip to San Francisco.

Portion of Party 'Go-ers'

Baby Girl Elizabeth

Jessi, Noah, Tammie and George

Kien, Nensi, and Moi

Shalyce and Lexi
Dyl-bug, me and Kalena (aka Jenn Steen)
See the crowd! Beautiful Day
Sabrina and Lily with their B's
Talking football with the boys, Mychal, Kyle and Mario is back there somewhere