Ok, apologies out of the way...I'll try to come back and fill in some blanks of the BIG stuff. But for now, the biggest news is we are adding to our family's craziness, a new addition is "cooking" currently and is scheduled for arrival August 18th. That's right, Killian is going to be a big brother.
Couple answers to reoccurring questions, right off the bat:
- I'm feeling great! Just like my pregnancy with Killian, I wouldn't know I'm pregnant if I wasn't going to the doctor and the occasional extra tiredness in the evenings.
- We (really I, Kyle is leaving the decision up to me this time around) haven't decided if we are going to find out the gender. My doctor has the information in her hands because I did the over 35 genetic testing, but I can't make up my mind if I was to find out or not...right now I'm leaning toward getting the information in an envelope and keeping it until I know one way or the other.
- We have told Killian and he is starting to remember that there is a baby in Mommy's tummy but I'm pretty sure he won't grasp what that really means until baby is here.
- Do I want a girl or boy? Yes and yes...pros and cons of both in my mind and that's the hardest part right now for me with finding out vs. not. I'll get there on my decision, just probably take me a little while.
Other information...I'm staying as active as I can, I try to do yoga once a week and regularly participate in interval training here at work. My leftover pregnancy bump is starting to transform into a real bump now and it won't be long until I have to say adios to my zippers once again. I'm looking forward to feeling the baby move so I know things are happening and progress is being made. My next doctor's appointment is 3/6...should be relatively routine without a whole lot of excitement involved besides the reassurance that things are going well and we are both healthy.
I have started taking my weekly bump pictures. I started the same week I did with Killian so I could compare. This time around I went with a little different approach, something a little more artistic and less "hot mess mama" pictures ;-)
What else....trying to figure out maternity leave and daycare options for Killian while I'm at home. Hoping to send him a few days a week so I can get some one on one bonding time with new baby but also have some time with him at home to do the SAHM stuff with him during the days.
Our new house is setup perfectly for a nursery upstairs with us, the dormer area is a little nook room off of ours, making it the perfect little cozy spot for a baby. Close at hand but also separate so mommy and daddy can catch some zzzzz. Pretty sure we are settled on a Wizard of Oz inspired room for this one...a few pieces we will be able to reuse from big brother's nursery but also keep it different enough to feel special.
Names...oh names....my favorite part! Let the games begin, I think it is hilarious what Kyle comes up with and what he dislikes of my suggestions. Such a fun back and forth. It wasn't until we were sitting in the lobby waiting for Killian's appointment did we settle on his name (and a girl option).
As a PS - one of the weirdest side effects this time around has been the darn stuffed up nose and dry cough all during my first trimester. Thankfully that is receding and I'm feeling better...my poor co-workers had to listen to me for 3 months with no explanation. Oh yeah and I've been on an orange juice kick...L.O.V.E. love it!!!
As a PS - one of the weirdest side effects this time around has been the darn stuffed up nose and dry cough all during my first trimester. Thankfully that is receding and I'm feeling better...my poor co-workers had to listen to me for 3 months with no explanation. Oh yeah and I've been on an orange juice kick...L.O.V.E. love it!!!
Ok, I suppose that is enough baby dump for the time being. Here are some pictures and I'll update as more happens.
Details, love them! Thanks for catching us all up girly :)