Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sore abs?!?!

So starting on Sunday my ab muscles have felt like I had just completed an intense workout when it fact I had done no such thing. I thought maybe the pushups I had been doing were staying my core but really I haven't been doing that many pushups and never before did pushups make my abs sore.

After a little internet research this evening it turns out it is totally normal. My ab muscles are stretching out to make room for my little peanut. Does that mean I have a bump in my near future?? Sounds like it to me :) all down hill from here...so thought I would document my sore mid section for all those out there that haven't done this before. Makes sense that they as but never would have expected it and hadn't had any of my friends tell me about that part of their experience.

Hopefully the 6pack and wee one will settle down a little and the soreness will subside soon.

I do love the sign there are things happening in my incubator ;) hard to tell otherwise.

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