Oh well enough about the weather. Kyle and I returned to the Effiel Tower today to climb the stairs to the second level followed by the elevator ride to the summet.

We were a little early for the champagne bar at the top but that was probably for the best as it was a downpour at that time. We successfully climbed all 704 stairs both us and down.

We then returned to our room to dry off before venturing out to visit the catacombs. We were pushing the limit with the closing time as it was roughly a hour and half wait for a 2 hour window, so if anything got held up we were going in. Thankfully we got in and really enjoyed the unique tour. Very much a reality check to see what life must have been like before sanitation and clear water, the pleague would have truly sucked.

Before returning for the room and the obligatory vacation nap, we stopped off at happy hour. I proceeded to half creme brûlée and Kyle enjoyed a crepe with ice cream. Tres bien!
Nap time over we went for a nice dinner as it is our last night here. I used yelp and found a cafe close by with rave reviews. It recommended the escort so I thought why not 'when in Paris?' Let me tell you, the review was right sooooo good.

Kyle said they were good too if only he didn't know what they were. I rounded out the meal with a frommage plate (cheese) and Kyle enjoyed a delicious white fish dish. Yummy!

Now back to the room to share our day and pictures before cracking the book. Early morning trip on the Eurostar over to London and the off to Salisbury to see stone hedge and continue on to the british open. Enjoy and I will write again soon, granted I find more wifi.
Having a great time! Miss everyone but will see you soon.
- Shalyce
Location:Rue de Rivoli,Paris,France
You two are getting it all aren't you, thunder, rain, and lots of delicious food?! Sounds like you are working it all off doing all that stair climbing and hiking! Thanks for sharing the great pictures. Love you!