Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday night

well not playing basketball sucks! stupid broken hand :-( so it's also really starting to sink in that we are packing up and moving in...tomorrow will be exactly one week till we drive up to sj. seems like it would never get here and now it's on top of me. it's such a bittersweet feeling. i love my life here but can't wait to see what life has in store for me back up north. it feels like this has been a whirlwind trip to SD, i got here almost exactly 5 years ago...and oh that's right i was only supposed to be here 6-9 months. good thing i stayed. between that time and now i have:

  1. reconnected with my sister (i love you and will miss you most)
  2. met my "future husband" (technically i met him in Sacramento, right hayes?!)
  3. bought two houses
  4. adopted a beautiful puppy for life sequoia
  5. spent quality time at the beach with tucker man
  6. traveled to a country i didn't even know existed (Albania)
  7. met "my person"
  8. bought and paid off my first car all on my own
  9. passed my pe
  10. broke my first bone
  11. lived through a total renovation of my house
  12. became a landlord
  13. deepened old friendships and made amazing new ones
  14. parted ways with some of my favorite people, bummer but that's life
  15. became an "auntie" to multiple gorgeous children (way too many to name but it brings such joy to my heart to see them smile when they see me)
  16. held an officer position in a professional organization
  17. helped win an 8 million dollar job
  18. got my first "major" car crash and had to beg my car out of the totalled pile
  19. learned "voodoo" - right loomis???
  20. won the first annual tacky sweater party
  21. discovered i love taking pictures
  22. found out i'm addicted to books and used book stores
  23. traveled to seattle 3-4 times
  24. the list goes on and on...

GOD...i'm going to miss San Diego and all my family here. please come visit me and i love you...what a great life i have, right? i can't wait to see my list for the next 5 years :-)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dad's Visit

So my dad came this weekend to help us get the final items checked off our to do list for the move. He was so helpful, we got tons done! With my hand being out of commission for a little while he did so much to help. We put up a new motion light in the alley, planted bushes along the fence and side yard, painted the side door, fixed the irrigation, got rid of old paint, completed the final prep for the moulding, fixed a few that enough??? Oh yeah...prepped the yard for new grass. But most importantly, he filled in on the beach volleyball team in my absence, stupid hand. Although he did excellent on the court he hurt his knee and limped around the rest of the visit. I think he'll be OK, but sucks to be hurt. And then at my sister's house last night, while checking on the new dog gate he built he unknowingly stepped off the porch to the steps being moved and went down. 3 foot drop! scraped his knew and sliced his hand....good thing he is headed home, SD seems to have it out for him!

I can't wait to see my parents again very soon. They are meeting us at our new house in San Jose in two weekends to help us get settled in. We will be painting and sprucing the place up in preparation to our stuff being delivered. The movers come on the 26th to pack, load on the 27th and we drive up to the bay on the 28th.

We found a tenant for our house...THANK GOD!!! one big item off my list of worries. Now if my little house will just behave itself for her, we'll be in good shape.

Not sure if anyone looks at this blog anymore but if you do enjoy the volleyball pictures...

Thursday, January 13, 2011


to go with the move i get to deal with this...what does everyone think...i talk to the hand doctor on fixes tomorrow. I got the middle finger snagged in basketball last week and it definitely snapped. I'm just glad I'm not a certifiable wussy...i'll let everyone know what the doctor says...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

San Jose House

Here are some pictures to our rental house in San Jose...I'll include the link so you can see more...oh and the links after that are for the colors we are going to paint. Enjoy

Our House...before the move

So almost 4 years after we moved in the little back house at 3635 Arizona St is just about PERFECT!!! I got to enjoy it for about 2 days before we took things down and sent a load of "stuff" up to San Jose with Kyle. Take a look, I'm really proud of all our hard work. I'll post another entry with pictures of the house we are renting in San Jose, aka Kyle's bachelor pad for the next couple weeks.