Tuesday, April 7, 2020

What is this world coming to??? Plus Weeks 36-39

As the time draws to a close on this pregnancy it always helps me to think through everything that is going through my head right now.  And boy oh boy do I have all the normal and then some feels.  My big boy Killian is turning 5, 5!!!, in two days, I can hardly believe that I'm writing that.  Feels like just yesterday he was in my stomach waiting to meet us.  He is a gianormous ball of energy and emotions but he is so dang smart and sweet and kind hearted.  He is none stop and crazy but so passionate and protective.  My heart breaks for him that he won't get to have a "real" birthday party this weekend with the Stay at Home order associated with the COVID-19 stuff we are living through right now.  But we will make it just as special as we can and make up for the lack of traditional party this summer when we are given the all clear.  He is rolling with it and we are going to do our darndest to make it a good one.

On top of big man turning 5, my parents are heading up in the morning to help with both boys when we are at the hospital to welcome the new babe into the family.  We get to celebrate the birthday with them, they were at the hospital for Killian's actual birthday so it feels just as it should to have them here for this one.  We get to celebrate Easter with them before new baby arrives too, come on good weather so we can hide eggs outside and not in the basement.  Getting Ooma and Pa up here for this birth, or any, always feels like the final check box for it to be time for baby.  Knowing that Killian and Lochlan (and Birdie) are in good hands takes a huge toll off my mind so I can focus on the next step and not fear the boys aren't being cared for and loved.  I would be completely lost without them, so big thank you to them for taking the chance to come up during this weird parallel universe we are staying afloat in currently.

Speaking of, I just recently realized why I'm struggling so much right now during this stay at home time.  I don't feel like I'm being successful in anything I am doing currently.  I can't give my full attention to my job (thank goodness for an understanding boss), I can't give my full attention to the boys who aren't at school anymore and their normal has been turned upside down and I can't give my full attention to preparing for this new baby.  I feel like I'm just barely staying afloat and not doing a stellar job at any of the pieces.  I know this too shall pass but it is a new feeling for me to be just surviving.  I don't like to feel like I'm letting anyone down or giving a half ass effort.  So if you have interacted with me in the last few weeks, I'm sorry if I've been distant or distracted, I'm working through it all and will be back to the normally scheduled program soon I hope.  Killian and I were just talking about all of our "normal" that we miss the other day, little things like our morning calls with Ooma on the way to school or his weekly swim lessons on Wednesday.  Morning vitamins on our car ride in or the random carwash after school before heading home.  My boys and I are creatures of habit and this whole situation has turned our lives upside down.  We are getting through but some days it ain't pretty that's for sure.

As for this new baby we are about to meet...Kyle and I have agreed on a name, first middle and last!  I can't even believe it! Seems unreal that we already have it picked out and ready to finalize once we've met new babe.  Knowing the gender this time around has been such a different experience, not sure I would do it again if we were to have another (which we aren't!  I'm getting a tubal while this 3rd one is being removed).  But it seems that is the theme for this baby, unique and different to say the least.  The position of this one inside my tummy is different than K or L so I've been feeling the movement to a whole new level this time.  This one loves to randomly kick/punch shove my bladder or do flips when I'm least expecting it.  I'm trying to cherish those reminders that this is the last baby I will carry but dang they hurt sometimes.  My body overall is just plain tired and ready to be done with this.  I sleep ok but never feel rested, my lady bits hurt nearly all the time (don't remember that with the older two) and I'm just plain ready to be able to run and play with K and L again like a normal person.  Continuing with the different theme, it seems that my stay in the hospital is going to be much different than it has been before.  We will be required to wear masks the entire time, I've heard the dr. and nurses will be in full PPE gear and they are ushering new mom's out of the hospital as fast as they can.  As much as I appreciate the concern for my safety, I was really looking forward to that extra night stay this time around, oh well, c'est la vie.  As long as babe and I are healthy that is what counts.  I'm just super thankful that it seems Kyle will still be able to go and stay with me during the whole process.  I am hesitantly hopeful that they will also continue to let him head home at least once a day to check in on the big boys and help keep their routine normal.  I will try my best to remember to take pictures of the state of things in the hospital, if for nothing else to document the madness that is our reality right now and to share what it really feels like in the hospitals with everyone.  My parents and K & L won't be able to come to the hospital to meet new baby so that is another unique experience.  One of my very favorite memories of Lochlan's birth is watching Killian meet him and the instant love that he exuded to his little brother.  I'll just have to wait until we come home for that moment but it definitely won't be the same.  

Ok, it is late, I have another big day of work, daycare, momming and squeeze in a little self care time before the birthday/easter/baby madness begins officially.  Enjoy the pictures and more to come in the very near future.

Weeks 36-39 bump pictures...I feel GIANT!!!

Aren't we silly?!?!

Here is my 38 week for the other two babies as well...I seem to be right on track with the other pregnancies.
Killian 2015

Lochlan 2017

Great progress!!! Makes me feel way better about where things are :-)
My big goals right now are as follows:

1. finish organizing baby clothes
2. wash and pull out everything baby (car seats, sleepers, boppies, bottles, etc.)
3. look at registry to start ordering essentials #3 Amazon List
4. deep clean nursery and raise the crib mattress
5. get new car seat(s) for Lochlan pending Target trade in event
6. pack my bag for the hospital
7. workout details of care after baby/emergency pickups with daycare
8. continue the name game with Kyle, big brothers aren't being as "helpful" with names as we hoped but we will get there ;-) Name selected!!!

Some "normal" life pictures to help brighten everyone's' day:

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Baby Shower, Maternity Pictures & Weeks 32, 33, 34 & 35

Goodness, how has it been almost a month since I've updated this, yikes!  This Friday is the 1 month mark and as of today I have 24 working days left, wooza!!!

Last weekend we got outside and took some maternity pictures at Cathedral Park, they came back so wonderful!  I'm including a couple to enjoy.  Both boys did so great and Killian was LOVING directing the different shots.  He is so creative and our little ham.  I got some seriously forever shots that I will cherish all my days. It is going to be incredibly hard to pick which ones to print.

This weekend my mom and sister came up to Portland to help celebrate the pending arrival of new baby.  We had spa treatments, stayed the night at a gorgeous resort and had brunch with a small group of ladies.  It was just absolutely perfect for this third time Mama to be.  I don't need a ton of things for this time around but having those dear to me close at hand to celebrate and have some good laughs was priceless.  Both boys have picked out what gifts they would like baby to bring them upon arrival (Lochlan wants a robot and Killian wants a car you pull back and it goes forward quickly).  Now we just have to agree on what to get baby as a welcome to the family gift. 

Now I feel like I can get down to business and prep for this little one's arrival. The list hasn't grown but not too much has been marked off; I plan to change that this weekend!

My big goals right now are as follows:

1. finish organizing baby clothes
2. wash and pull out everything baby (car seats, sleepers, boppies, bottles, etc.)
3. look at registry to start ordering essentials #3 Amazon List
4. deep clean nursery and raise the crib mattress
5. get new car seat(s) for Lochlan pending Target trade in event
6. pack my bag for the hospital
7. workout details of care after baby/emergency pickups with daycare
8. continue the name game with Kyle, big brothers aren't being as "helpful" with names as we hoped but we will get there ;-)

My mom and sister got to go with us to a few big boy activities while they were here and boy oh boy did we have a blast.  It was such a fun mix of just normal things and baby celebration.  One of the highlights was Killian's basketball class, he showed off his skills by dribbling a ball in each hand at the same time.  Needless to say, we were all so impressed!  Big thank you to Kyle and Mychal for watching the big kids while we escaped for some girl time.

Also this is the first time that my sister and I haven't been expecting at the same time, which is odd but fun in its own right.  So of course when you are a giant belly and she doesn't, you have her put a basketball under her shirt and take a picture for ol' times sake, HA!

Got to take my mom to my regular Dr. appointment yesterday.  My Dr. was on call for the hospital and had to run out before we got there, so I saw a lovely midwife this time around.  My next appointment isn't until the 23rd but it will be here before I know it, that marks the first of my weekly visits.  All was right on track yesterday, good heartbeat and head is down (not that it matters with the c-section) but interesting to hear that it is in the same orientation as Mr. Killian.  I must just grow babies a little sideways.

Killian has started a tennis class on Sunday mornings and seems to be loving it!  Both boys finish out their current session of swim classes this Sunday evening, they are both little fishes.  Lochlan will start gymnastics in May and Killian is waiting to start T-ball practices next week.  Busy little creatures but we love it! Lochlan is transitioning to the pre-school class at school and he is absolutely thrilled about it.  We got their spring pictures back and I just couldn't stand having to pick just a few shots, they all turned out so amazing.

Enjoy the pictures and can't wait to provide more updates as fun things start ticking off my list.  Love to all.

Lochlan snuggling with baby, he is so gentle and excited for the arrival.

Killian got a hand me down batting helmet and he is in love, he basically sleeps in it.

Lochlan's transition to preschool picture.  He is SUCH a big boy these days.


Thursday, February 13, 2020

2 MONTHS!!!! (29, 30 & 31 week pictures)

Today marks the 2 months until c-section day...April 13th.  We've been cruising along, last baby appointment was on Monday, heartbeat was strong and regular.  I'm on the 2 week cycle now so another check in on 2/24.

The big boys are doing great with their combined room and we are getting into the groove of new bedtime and wake-up time routines.  Lochlan has been super confused going to bed and isn't quite convinced about this sleep downstairs idea, he has a pretty good setup upstairs.  BUT he is so proud of himself each morning when he wakes up in his big boy bed.  AunDee made him a new sheet and pillowcase for his bed to match brothers, so that is a happy upgrade for him.  I got Killian's red dresser painted and moved into their room, he loves it!  I'm going to try and put some contact paper on the back side side some of it is visible over the love seat but other than that their room is ready to rock and roll.

I've started trying to organize and then clean the tiny baby clothes.  Such a mountain of onsies!!!  But with 2 months to go I feel confident it will be in a good spot when new one arrives.  I want to give the nursery room a deep cleaning and then a slight makeover to make it personalized for this baby.  I'm going with vintage/baby animal circus theme.  Still using the primary colors and bright and happy.

My big goals right now are as follows:

1. finish organizing baby clothes
2. wash and pull out everything baby (car seats, sleepers, boppies, bottles, etc.)
3. look at registry to start ordering essentials #3 Amazon List
4. deep clean nursery and raise the crib mattress
5. get new car seat(s) for Lochlan pending Target trade in event
6. pack my bag for the hospital
7. workout details of care after baby/emergency pickups with daycare
8. continue the name game with Kyle, big brothers aren't being as "helpful" with names as we hoped but we will get there ;-)

Not a horrible list but I'm sure it is not all inclusive.  There are PLENTY of other projects that I need/want to get done before little one arrives but prioritization needs my attention, in other words, an after baby to do list is already forming in my head. (travel plans, room makeovers, physical fitness journey, meal planning/prepping, etc.) it never ends in this brain of mine.

For now, here are some updated bump pictures and some current pictures of the big boys.

Not too much bigger than the other 2...right?!?!?