Just a little bit of everything on this blog, vacations, weddings, home remodeling/purchasing, visitors, babies, etc. See what I mean...just a bunch of stuff. Hope you enjoy
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Repositioned and Ready
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Progress is apparent here at the kitchen project. Met with the contractor this evening and for the most part all is good, no huge unexpected surprises, thank goodness!!! No work tomorrow while the 3 new footings cure and then back at it Friday, wahooo!!! Kids and I are hanging in the basement and Sequoia is grateful we are home (she was in great hands but nice to have her family home). More pictures to follow as milestones are reached.
So relieve we had a good report from the contractor. Now my excitement has returned, never know what demo will uncover...been around enough construction in my day.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Demo DAY!!!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Here Goes Nothing and By Nothing I mean Kitchen Remodel!
Here is my inspiration board on pinterest ( https://www.pinterest.com/sirgens/kitchen-refresh/ ). I'm drawn to the greys and whites so I can change things up with accessories vs. replacing major items again in the future. So many things on our wish list and so little space in the kitchen but being able to customize it to what we want is thrilling!
I'm going to try to post updates on here so we can look back at the progress. Supposed to take about 3 months start to finish, we shall see! Needless to say, I am stoked that we are actually taking the plunge and doing this while the boys are still young and opening up the first floor. So much more functional and mama friendly :-)
Lots of crockpot and BBQ meals in our future this summer. Hopefully we can bum a few dinners off friends and explore new restaurants to pass the kitchenless stage.
Now for the before pictures:
And a couple very preliminary mock-ups of the new kitchen, still in the refinement stage :-)