I just love our new door to upstairs!
And the coat/purse hooks are back up in their newly painted room.
And the countertops look amazing!!! Look at my island!!!!
Hoping for appliances installed and backsplash this week. Come on come on, so close!!!
Just a little bit of everything on this blog, vacations, weddings, home remodeling/purchasing, visitors, babies, etc. See what I mean...just a bunch of stuff. Hope you enjoy
I just love our new door to upstairs!
And the coat/purse hooks are back up in their newly painted room.
And the countertops look amazing!!! Look at my island!!!!
Hoping for appliances installed and backsplash this week. Come on come on, so close!!!
It finally feels like we are nearing the end.
Yes yes yes yes.
first countertop sighting |
Cabinets are supposed to be delivered Friday. Knots, pulls and thingamajigs have been ordered. Appliances are to be delivered next week..mthings are coming together. Need to paint the dining room before we move back in.
Ahhh...so excited!!!!
Enjoy the pictures :-)
Details worked out for cabinet layout. On the right track for the countertops. I'm giddy about the backsplash plan. Flooring needs to be finalized and paint picked out but guess what happens next week??!! The walls start being closed up. We are building now not taking things apart, wahooooo!!!
Hopefully our appliances go on super labor day sale and we get that lined up too. So thankful for nice outdoor cooking weather and patient family without the normal setup to feed everyone.
I can't wait for the dishwasher and kitchen sink, not to mention the stove top and oven being full size and not the toaster oven or bbq burner. To top it off, the book will be finished up with garbage storage and drawers for art supplies!
The vision is about to be put into action, I can't wait to see the dream I had two years ago for this house to come to life. Mama is a happy camper.
Ps - I love having a contractor who communicates well and deals with images like this from me....
Couldn't be happier with our selectio, this far. If anyone local needs a recommendation, let me know.
Progress is apparent here at the kitchen project. Met with the contractor this evening and for the most part all is good, no huge unexpected surprises, thank goodness!!! No work tomorrow while the 3 new footings cure and then back at it Friday, wahooo!!! Kids and I are hanging in the basement and Sequoia is grateful we are home (she was in great hands but nice to have her family home). More pictures to follow as milestones are reached.
So relieve we had a good report from the contractor. Now my excitement has returned, never know what demo will uncover...been around enough construction in my day.