Just a little bit of everything on this blog, vacations, weddings, home remodeling/purchasing, visitors, babies, etc. See what I mean...just a bunch of stuff. Hope you enjoy
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Swing and eat your feet game = giggles
I can't get enough!!!
Friday, July 17, 2015
3 months young
Just a little late but better than never, right??? Killian has been busy yet again. He went to his first movie at the theater, Love & Mercy, went wine tasting, first baseball game (San Jose giants), and met his uncle Aaron, aunt Luisa Childers, and cousin Maya. Killian hosted his first bbq for father's day, helped surprise daddy at work on his birthday, and Kjerstine Johnson Vachter came to visit. Killian's 10th cousin was born, Cambria Rose Loomis, so of course we had to fly down to meet her! He weathered his first firework show like a champ and was in awww of the sparkles. Killian loves smiling and laughing, he thinks it is hilarious when mommy and daddy eat his feet. We are pretty sure he is preparing for his first tooth as he has turned into a drooling machine!!! Killian has got this eat, play, sleep thing down and boy is he vocal when mommy keeps him up too long. Any day now he will be rolling over and that makes me very nervous as it is just one step closer to being on the move. We love our little boy more than we ever thought possible and can't wait for our next adventure, whatever that may be.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Catching up on the fun
Goodness a lot has happened since last post. The three of us went to hops n barley fest in Scotts valley with our friends Bob, definitely ready to go back next year, very family friendly. Kjerstine came to visit from Oregon, what a great time we had, just hanging out doing a little wine tasting and of course a pedicure. So pleasant having another recent mommy visiting, she just jumped right in and snuggled baby boy, we miss her and can't wait for a visit to her household.
Killian and I flew to San Diego to meet my newest neice, Cambria Rose Loomis. She is such a sweet girl and I am so proud of my sister, wasn't an easy last go to get her here but she was a trooper and little girl is beautiful. Grandma and grandpa got some good grandbaby time. Look forward to our next visit.
Last night was 4th of July, we had several people over for a small Bbq then headed down to Morgan Hill for firework show. Killian wore his ear protection and oooed and awwwed at the sparkly show, such a good kid.
Now I come home from yoga find my boys snuggling on the cough sleeping, warms my heart!
Life is so good to us :)