Just a little bit of everything on this blog, vacations, weddings, home remodeling/purchasing, visitors, babies, etc. See what I mean...just a bunch of stuff. Hope you enjoy
Friday, April 3, 2015
Rock'n and Roll'n
Thought I would upload a little video of a sample of what my stomach does throughout the day...this isn't the best video because baby literally stops moving when I turn the recorder on. Figures, our kid would be difficult right from the get go, good thing we love baby so much already ;-)
I also thought it would be a good idea to have a recording of baby's heartbeat when it is still a resident in my stomach. So today during the non stress test I did a little recording. Heartbeat is super fast but very strong, look forward to having the little munchkin in my arms and sharing the closeness of holding with Kyle.
Last "Push"
I'll start with the fun stuff and then you can stop reading if you want to. BUMP pictures....
I really really do feel like there is zero room left in my stomach for this baby to grow. Some days I feel like baby is literally trying to claw/kick/elbow its' way out. Other days I feel like the skin is going to explode like a balloon blown up too much. Then others I look down at my tummy and think gosh I'm not really that big until I look in the mirror and shock myself with the bump. Baby is so in my way with normal things it literally hurts to tie my shoes, put on my pants, pick things up, etc. I am beyond thankful that this stage of uncomfortable didn't kick in until just very recently. I still sleep amazing when Kyle let's me keep the window open at night so I don't bake. I do look forward to flopping down on the bed on my stomach real soon.
Dr. update, I went yesterday and she said all my blood work has returned to pristine levels and she is uncertain why I got such a weird reading that one test. My co-workers blame stress but how do you really prove that. Either way I'm glad things are back to normal. I do get to increase my visit frequencies to the OB, I go back on Monday and again on Thursday (my DUE DATE, can you believe it, it is finally here?!?!?!). I also go back to the ultrasound place tomorrow morning for another non-stress test (NST) and measuring fluid levels. Last week the tech asked if I could feel the contractions I was having during the NST, strange to thing they were happening and I had no idea. Report from last Friday's tests were baby looks great, lots of movement and fluid levels are good (including my bladder that was extremely full and took over the ultrasound image). Baby is in the head down position with its' little feet up by the forehead. Only problem is the head down isn't dropping into the birth canal. Dr. told me it is very important if my water breaks not to dilly dally at home or work, to get my booty to the hospital so the cord doesn't start coming out because baby's head isn't there to act as a plug. 10-4 doctor, that takes a lot of guessing out of when to go other than I hope I can tell when/if my water breaks. HA!
Now the reflection time of the has really started to hit me how different our lives are going to be after this baby gets here. On the excited hand I am going to have a little buddy for life, someone who will always love me and call me Mom. I look at the relationship I have with my Mom (and Dad for that matter) and can't believe I'm going to be that lucky to have a baby of my own and build a bond, friendship and love with another human being. I get to watch Kyle grow into an amazing father and the role model I know he is capable of being, he is a hard working, genuine and faithful man who will lead our little family to be good people and flourish. We are excited for family camping trips, Halloween costumes, tooth fairy visits, Sunday morning soccer games, golf buddies, slumber weekends at Grandma and Grandpa's house, ballet recitals, girl/boy scout meetings, parent teach conferences, driveway talent shows...the list goes on and on.
But I'm also scared of saying goodbye to the life we have, the freedom to go to a Shark's game last minute or happy hours for no apparent reason. Quick trips to target or a boozy weekend in SLO. I know our lives will be so filled with love and devotion to our new addition that these things will seem pointless but said baby isn't here yet and I think a morning period for this freedom is due. I think it healthy to feel these things, acknowledge them, own them and face them, hiding from them and denying them would do a disservice to myself. I don't know if anyone else feels/felt like this before the new baby arrived but I would hate to not say how I feel and others feel alone in their same feelings. I don't have a single regret and I still can NOT wait for baby C to make the official appearance but I do mourn the loss of my sleepy Sunday mornings with the puppy dogs and the trip to Greece/Italy we haven't done yet. Life is changing and I know my heart will be filled with love and I will never look back but I am so so so thankful for the wonderful time I've spent enjoying my husband, dogs, family, friends and the opportunities presented to us. I know these things don't have to stop completely they will just take some extra planning, preparation and support from friends and family.
Alright, I feel better getting those words off my chest and feeling them "out loud." I look forward to enjoying this weekend with Kyle, going to our infant care and breastfeeding class on Saturday, doing a little veggie planting Saturday after class and Sunday while it is supposed to be raining doing a little yoga and pedicure time with the girls.
Can't wait to share pictures and baby story when time comes :-) Thanks all!
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