Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Weekly update and 32 week Ultrasound

Well here we are, almost at the 33 week mark, already behind when I'm doing an update ;-)  So where to start, progress...the belly is getting bigger and bigger and baby is pushing my organs and insides out of the way.  Ultrasound tech said the little booty and potentially feet are what I feel shoving up under my right ribs.  So as of now (I know we have a lot time left) the baby is head down face out in a good position to come out, makes mom happy other than the rib uncomfortable position.  I feel great so far, I'm very thankful to still be sleeping good and no food aversions to speak of.  I did get a little wake up call this morning, baby decided to do the wave dance for about 20 minutes at 4am.  So nice to feel the activity but would also like to sleep ;-)  My energy level is still way up, it feels good to remain active and walk the pups and go to yoga.  I went swimming this weekend for a little cardio and it felt AMAZING!!!  The cool water and weightlessness was the best thing ever, unfortunately the gym closed the pool on Monday for cleaning and maintenance until March 9th :-(  After that I will be a little fish ;-) 
Here are a couple bump update pictures...Kyle is getting better at taking the pictures and the new phone helps with quality :-)

We did our last sneak peak ultrasound this past Friday at 32 weeks, they surprised us we some 3D views, what a fun little preview of our wee munchkin.  Baby is measuring right on track with the averages for weight, length and noggin size ;-)  Mommy is very happy with that, once baby is born we can work on getting into the 90%.  Ultrasound tech said baby is measuring around 4.5 pounds right now.  The first view we got of the wee one was the foot, Kyle and I are taking guesses on how big a hockey skate/ballet or golf shoe this baby will end up wearing, seems like a big foot :-)


Less than 8 weeks till D-day...I went for my normal check up on Monday, Dr. was VERY impressed my our little peanuts face on picture, said she hadn't seen one taken that clear and sharp in years.  Joked that the kid was destined for Hollywood, I said sounds good to me, can take care of Mom and Dad ;)  She was pleased with my vitals and said she would see me again in a couple weeks, after that I'll switch to weekly appointments indicating baby is to the point where coming to greet us would be perfectly healthy.  We are just beyond excited :-)

After the Dr.'s appointment I joined Kyle at his office for a baby shower over lunch.   It was a great gathering as a couple of his co-workers used to be my co-workers as well.  We had a fabulous lunch, played a couple silly games.  See picture of the mashup game, everyone assembled pieces of Kyle and my face into what they thought baby would look like, freakin' hilarious!  Then we all voted on categories like Most Creepy, Most likely to succeed, Best Hair, Best Smile, Most Popular.  In the end Kyle and I voted for number 8 as the overall winner, time will tell if that person is correct. 

In other news, Kyle and I had a fantastic valentine's day.  We went to an early dinner, got him the flu shot so he won't have to wear a mask the entire time we are in the hospital and watch Gone Girl at home with the pups.  Earlier that day we both worked our hineys off in the yard, I did a lot of tree and bush hacking and general clean up, Kyle tackled the lawns.  Felt good to get sweaty and dirty :-)

What a weekend we had BEFORE valentine's day...we made a surprise trip to San Diego for my sister's birthday.  My parents rented a beach house in Mission Bay for all of us to stay together.  Mychal tricked Devarae and got her down to the house for us all to surprise her.  It was great, we had a blast.  We walked on the beach, watched the sunsets, went on a food tour of La Jolla, eat yummy food, had a great brunch with a wonderful group of her friends and overall just got to hang out and relax.  It is so much fun to spend time with Devarae and "compare notes" on our experiences.  I can't wait to start planning her shower(s) and celebrate with her and then meet her little baby.  My wee one is going to be well traveled and handled baby before "it" even turns 3 months old, LOVE it!  

One final thought before I close this long blog session.  To add to my unusual/not typical pregnancy experience I am strangely really excited for the birth portion of this journey.  I know a lot of women get really scared about the pain and what their experience will be like but I feel totally at peace with that part, I have a great doctor and I think my hospital is wonderful.  For so long I've heard stories about this part of things and how rough it is but to me it is the final push before something wonderful joins our family and I can't wait for that day to be here (ok I can wait a little longer so baby is ready, but you know what I mean).  I look forward to sharing this experience with Kyle and the bond something like this will form between us, it is really something only the two of us can share together and I think that is amazing.  This child is already such a huge part of our family and is loved in so many ways and fashions it just makes me overwhelmed with joy to meet this person. 

Ok ok, enough of my gush episode, I'll post some more pictures in a couple weeks or if something fantastic happens between now and then.  Thank you all for reading this post, especially those who made it all the way to the end.

Until next time,

Shalyce and the dancing monkey in my tummy ;-)

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Couldn't help myself

Too darn cute not to share, love my fury four legged kids and the soon to be two legged kid, melts my heart.