Saturday, January 31, 2015

Nursery and 30 weeks

We made it out of the 20s! The first week of the 30s has brought on a very very active baby, tends to like to tap dance on my right ribs during work hours and early morning. Friendly reminders he/she is still in there.

As promised here is a panoramic of the nursery. Things are pretty much ready for move in day other than the fun stuff and must haves like diapers ;) hopefully the shower will help in fill those items. Couldn't have done all this without my mom and sister, it has turned out way better than I could have hoped. I sure can't wait for the room's resident to get here (alright I will wait at least 4 more weeks). My glider should be ready middle of March very early April just in time for munchkin, that will go in the living room :)

Ok enough for this post, on to more junk removal around rest of the house. Happy weekend everyone :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tahoe and 29 weeks

 It has been a whole week and weekend since we were in Tahoe, what a fabulous trip we had.  There were very little people there and those that were seemed to be more interested in skiing/snowboarding that what we were up to.  We rented a little cabin in south lake, about 2 miles from the stateline and the casinos.  We never made it to the casinos but the location was great, we were in a little community, very quiet and dark at night.  During the days we took the dogs to the lake and did hikes with and without the pups.  The first hike we went for a very beautiful hike to Emerald Bay, I had never hiked all the way down and Kyle had never been to Tahoe during the summer months so it was a very nice walk.  The hike was about 1.7 miles each way and we had a gorgeous view of the lake and the bay.  We even found a campground we would like to go back and visit during the summer, Eagle Point, sounds like it will be closed for the rest of this summer for renovations, after that we will definitely be visiting with our new bundle of fun.  The next hike we went on we took the pups with, it was about 2 miles round trip.  We started on the barn trail in the bi-state park just behind Northstar village and under their gondola, then we switched to the cal/nev trail to finish the hike.  The dogs were in heaven, the hike was so empty that we got to let the dogs off leash and enjoy the freedom.  Needless to say the mutts were very sore, so sore that they had a difficult time going up and down the stairs in the cabin.  We can't wait to go back to Tahoe and hopefully we can make it happen this summer. 
Front of our little cabin
Second hike, we happened upon the state boarder on our way back to the car, pretty fun

View from our first hike, we hadn't turned the corner to see Emerald Bay yet
First night in Tahoe, the dogs loved the lake!

Now on to baby update....I am just past the 29 week mark, in fact 2 more days until I leave the 20 weeks.  Feels like the 20s have drug their feet and oh boy will I be glad to turn that 2 into a 3 :-)  Let's see, I've started going to the doctor every 2 weeks now, I have another appointment next Wednesday.  Every time I've gone so far they seem pleased with my weight gain, blood pressure and the baby's heartbeat.  My next ultrasound is scheduled for right around valentine's day, what a present to see baby just before that holiday couldn't ask for better gift.  Baby has become VERY active during the work day hours, I figure it is just a matter of time before someone notices the movement during a meeting.  Overall I am feeling great, still functioning relatively normal.  Baby is starting to push up under my ribs on the right side, Kyle giggles at my belly daily because it is so pointy.  I do look forward to having baby out and holding in my arms and have my body space back to myself.  I sleep great still and I am very very thankful for that, I have noticed that I've started snoring and waking myself up.  Thankfully it doesn't seem to bother Kyle but I bought some breath right strips so I stop waking myself up, HA!  It really is the little things I am starting to miss, like turning around to check over my shoulder while driving without feeling like I'm fighting a watermelon or eating a normal size meal without feeling like I just finished a thanksgiving feast and will explode at any minute.  Just makes me even more thankful that I've had things so easy this far and still feel great just a little uncomfortable. 

We do have our maternity pictures scheduled and are planning to head down to the coast in the 17 mile drive area.  Speaking of I need to reach out to my hair lady and see if she is available and if she can do makeup too.  I've started looking for a pediatrician and think I have one in mind, would like to go meet her in person before sending in my registration papers for the hospital.  We did our hospital tour last night and I am very happy with the vibe of the hospital and the accommodations they set up.  They seem to be very flexible and understanding but we shall see when the actual time comes.  I still plan to work up until baby starts making the grand entrance into this world, just can't imagine hanging out at home "twiddling" my thumbs waiting for something to happen.  I feel pretty good about where we are in preparations, we have the essentials it would take to bring baby home so that is what I care about.  The nursery is coming along fantastically.  I'll try to clean up the miscellaneous items this weekend and post pictures of the "finished" room.  My mom and sister came to help and boy did they make a difference, what a great end product we came up with. 

I very much look forward to helping Devarae with her nursery in return and am ecstatic about starting to plan her shower.  My shower, then baby, then her shower, then her baby, time is quickly passing by and the fun will be here soon.  Thank you all for checking in on the blog, I will post room pictures soon and possibly throw in some other pictures from around the house too, we've upgraded some furniture and I'm very proud :-)  Until next time...happy kick kicks from baby C

Pointy Butt!

Friday, January 16, 2015

No doubt in 3rd trimester now

Off we go to Tahoe but weekly picture first :) Baby is excited about Tahoe, kicking up a storm. Mutts are excited because we are at home Friday morning instead of work and they see their things getting packed along side ours. I hope there is snow and that we even get a little snowed on.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Entering the home stretch

According to half the sources I have 27 weeks marks the start the third trimester and the other half day 28. So that said I consider myself already having started the home stretch or if you are of the 28 mindset you could say I am technically one day from it. I am hoping that things continue as they have thus far and this next 3 months treat me kindly.

I have started the every 2 week Dr visit rotation and need tip get my whooping cough booster. I felt hiccups on Monday night during yoga, that was fun. I definitely 'feel' pregnant now, the tummy is undeniably a baby not just a food baby anymore. My skin on the mid section is very tight but for the most part I am still comfortable. I have started to have some indigestion but if I pop a tums I seem to be ok. I keep some close for the middle of the night just in case. But never fear the threat of heartburn has not deterred me from enjoying my normal spicy hot food :)

Thankfully I haven't experienced the troubles sleeping most pregnant women face. I still get up at least once a night too pee but don't find it hard tip fall back asleep. Please cross your fingers that remains the case until at least closer to arrival time.

I passed my gestational diabetes test with flying colors, to quote the doctor I can eat the horse and the horseshoes, pretty much got free rein to eat what I like. Great news, I love clean bills of health. Our next ultrasound (32 weeks) is scheduled, 2/13 @ 1pm we get to see our sweet baby again. We are getting close to starting our birth classes and hospital tour, things are getting really real now.

My mom and sister came to help me with the nursery and baby shower planning this past weekend. What a fun filled whirlwind productive weekend we had. I can't wait to get a couple more items delivered and/or hung so I can take pictures and show you all. I am more than thrilled at how things are coming together. And boy oh boy am I just so excited to celebrate munchkin with all my girlfriends. My mom sister and I were an incredible invitation assembly team, they are freaking adorable!

Our little baby will be here in no time flat, I can't wait to meet baby and start that part of the journey. We hAve continued to play the name game and I think we have a couple names for each gender but nothing finalized yet. Trying to figure out maternity leave timing with my sister's due date and how much time Kyle will take off, so many things to consider.

Kyle and I had to Tahoe this weekend for a little get away with the it too early to call it our babymoon??? I think so, I want to eek out at least one more trip before calling it a day on just us and the fury kids. I will post pictures and a recap of our trip. Hopefully there will be some snow our better yet it will snow while there, hope the mutts like the cold white stuff.

Thanks to all for following my journey and all your wise and helpful advice and input.