Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Closing in on the Half Way Mark

Quick update while I'm thinking about stuff...

Definitely pretty sure maybe I'm feeling baby kick.  I've been waiting for the alleged "flutter" and what I feel is nothing like a flutter, I would say it equivalent to what a muscle twitch feels like.  If that is what it feels like then I've DEFINITELY felt little one, but I've been waiting for a flutter, as in butterfly wings or soft little taps.  I'm sure everyone is different but I've also heard it feels like gas bubbles, and unless my gas is very different than other peoples I would describe as bubbles either.  REGARDLESS there is something going on down there and it is starting to feel more like there is a baby in there than just my mid section expanding, very exciting. 
In regards to expanding mid-section, I gave in today and wore my first pair of maternity pants all be it, I do not have the belly flap pulled up to the bottom of my bust line, it is folded over neatly to form a waste band.  The jeggings I'm wearing feel phenomenal! I may have just officially said goodbye to zippers for the next few months and will be investing in at least two more pairs of these jeggings.

The word is starting to spread around the office, I thought it would travel faster than it has which is either really reassuring that there isn't much gossip around this place or I'm slightly hurt because no one thinks my news is worth gossiping about.  Needless to say it has been a very interesting and comical last couple weeks with people "asking" if I'm expecting and then being flabbergasted that I'm already at just under 5 months and barely showing.  It feels very VERY odd to interact with people and them stare at my stomach, especially when they know I'm pregnant and aren't trying to figure out if my winter fat has come on early or if in fact I'm with child.  The silly grins I get from people when they see me like they couldn't be happier for me EVERY time they see me is slightly on the awkward side but I realize it is an exciting time and they are just happy for me, so I smile back and share in their happiness.  The amount of advise people share or impart on me is just amazing, I do my best to listen and say thank you for the tip but it is comical to me the things people share (i.e. I shouldn't be wearing high heels for my safety).  I'm enjoying this experience and am definitely taking it all in.

I'm very much enjoying this journey and I am even more excited that I'm reaching a point where I feel like this is more than just a busting out of my jeans moment.  The little kicks (at least that's what I'm going with) and the farewell to zippers makes it all more real. 

We have been very luck to have so many generous friends, we've received two cribs (one for us and one for Grandma and Grandpa's house), a monitor, books, changing table, strollers, etc. Kyle and I assembled our crib this weekend and think it just fits the room so perfectly.  We are going to pick up the changing table over thanksgiving and then my glider after Christmas to call the "big" items for the house done (or so I think).  From there it will be filling the room with all the fun and necessary items. 

I continue my daycare search and am hopefully we will find the right fit very soon.  I am struggling with nanny vs. daycare, close to work vs. close to home, how many hours a day to employ the care, will we be on a waiting list, etc.  My favorite response from several places I call is "we just need the name of the child and we can put you on the waiting list."  I'm like, seriously I just told you I wasn't due until April AND we won't know the name until then...I'm about to just give them a fake name if it comes down to it, crazy that a name is what does it not my cold hard $$ that holds my place in line?!?!?  Anyways, it will work out and all will be good to go. 

Next Dr. appointment is December 8th.  I'm tracking at a good weight and pulse/blood pressure looks good.  Dr. told me at my next appointment I'll need to schedule the dreaded gestational diabetes test, I'm extra curious about the fabled drink that accompanies the test.  Also, going to ask how much longer she'll let me play basketball...after the 8th I have 2 more games before the season is over, fingers crossed she'll be on board with finishing it out.  I feel great and love being active.  No more regular yoga for me, the stomach moves just are plain uncomfortable and makes me want to pee every time.  I've found and will start a weekly pre-natal yoga class to keep things limber and have a dedicated relax time.  I am thinking about starting swim more at the gym, it always feels so good afterwards and is a pretty impact free way to get in some cardio, time to invest in some waterproof Bluetooth headphones :-)  do I hear a Christmas present???? 

Thanks for reading the blog and I'll try to get a post or two up here that don't have to do with this baby bump journey. 

Here is the nursery with the crib in it...what a difference a crib makes I tell ya!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Bump Picture Update - 18 & 19

Two pictures this week...I really want to write more about my experience and my experience at work but I will wait until lunch or later tonight.

Enjoy the pictures for now :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Week 17

Weekly picture...feeling good but pants are definitely getting tight. In strange in between stage, normal pants too tight but maternity too much pant and weather still too warm for sweaters and leggings. I will figure it out but it is odd for now.

Pumpkin King 2014 is Crowned!

The winner by 1 vote is our host with the most...KYLE CHILDERS...pumpkin number XIII.  Thank you for everyone who voted.  Here is the winner's pumpkin.

And here is the breakdown of who carved the other pumpkins
I - Eric
II - Heather
III - Silva Family (tie for second place)
IV - Corbin (tie for second place)
V - Jeff
VI - Vinceena
VII - Larry
VIII - Corbin (unofficial entry, can't leave a pumpkin out)
IX - Bree and Bob
X - Danielle
XI - Nicole and Kelly
XII - Shalyce
XIII - Kyle (Pumpkin King 2014)

I believe I captured that correctly but if I misspoke on an artist please let me know and I will correct.  Thank you again everyone who made it, we had a FABULOUS turn out and an excellent time visiting with everyone.

Look forward to next year!

Congratulations Kyle

Monday, November 3, 2014

And we are having a.....

SURPRISE!!!! You all still have to wait until April to find out what I am growing all these months.

Baby was wrapped up in a tight ball, sitting very low in my tummy. It was not easy to get all the measurements and pictures they needed but doctor said everything looks great and nothing to raise any concerns. Next ultrasound will be at 32 weeks, so long to wait!!!

We are so thankful to have a healthy baby on the way and I am still so so lucky to be feeling good. I look forward to what comes next, San Diego trip this coming weekend. Can't wait for some fun in the sun and quality time with family and friends.

Enjoy our latest pictures of the little peanut, I think baby has my nose for sure ;)