So for the past two years of living in San Jose, every time the Nike Animal Rescue Foundation has this event it either gets rained out and moved to a weekend that I can't participate or we go to Costa Rica for some other event...go figure ;-) Anyways, this year I reserved the day early and have done the no rain dance just so I can walk to help raise money for the homeless animals in the Bay Area. Please help me raise money for the kitties and doggies that need homes. If you know me at all you know I have a big soft spot for shelter animals, heck we have two shelter pups that we have called our kids for years now (Tucker for almost 10 years! can you believe that?!?!)
Anyhow, please see the flier in this post and if you want to sponsor me that would just melt my heart and 97% of the donation would go towards helping these animals. I promise to post pictures from the walk to my blog and facebook so you can feel like you helped out and walked with us. Even better if anyone in the bay wants to join us we would love to have you, bring the furry friend along for the fun :-) My mom and Kyle will be joining me and the pups for the event.
Thank you thank you in advance. (if you decide to donate you can send me a check made out to NARF or you can contact me and we can work out another way to send payment)
The doggies and kitties thank you for your support.