Friday, June 17, 2011

A's Game

Battle of the bay! Good seats great game and chilly! Great way to start the weekend. Can't wait for my sleeping in, doggy walk and sun bathing tomorrow...relaxation after another long week.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Field Work

So I spent my day today escorting our architect on site to survey a hangar we are modifying for the project at LAX. Here are some shots from my time on the airfield.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Wedding dress bought! Announcement on location hopefully this week...stay tuned. Tucker man has enjoyed his time at grandma and grandpa's house!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Too tired and run down to really cook. Spaghetti and baked asparagus with glass of red wine. Not bad.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Giants game

We were super lucky last night, the office leader here knows one of the Washington Nationals players and was able to get us awesome tickets to the Giants game. Mats were up 4 nothing and the Giants came back to win bottom of the 13! That is right 13...meaning we didn't get on the caltrain to come home until.midnight. midnight departure on the local train means we didn't get in bed until 230am! So way way tired today but had a fabulous time! Thank you so much to Bill for a wondrous night! Enjoy the pictures of the stadium and the view from our seats.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Droid post

Trying out this new app. If it works good I may be able to post way more often! Fingers crossed. Thought I would try posting a picture while at it, view from the window outside my office. Usually there are airplanes landing all day I just wasn't patient enough to wait and capture one.