Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sam the Cooking Guy!

Dominica, my sister and I met Sam the Cooking Guy the other night at his book signing...he is hilarious and Kyle and I are looking forward to going on one of his cruises these days. Check him Sam the Cooking Guy, easy recipes and soooo yummy! I really like his Chili Salmon and Thai Curry Soup.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Stage Coach...GREAT JOB MYCHAL!!!

had an amazing time at stage coach a couple weekends back...enjoy the funny pictures, BTW we got to see Brooks and Dunn on their last tour together :-) Tobin Keith puts on a pretty darn good show too.

Dog Walk

We had a great time at the dog walk this weekend...thank you team for coming out and supporting the doggies! Come out next year and join us...