Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lots Happening Right Now

Alright quick update and then pictures...Kyle and I accepted an offer to relocate to the bay area, moving to San Jose at the end of January. We are excited about the new adventure but VERY sad to leave our lives down here. We have great/awesome friends down here and two beautiful houses. My sister is here and I've enjoyed rekindling our close relationship, she is so much fun. But that is life and new things are ahead. I'm moving back closer to a ton of good friends who I've missed so much being down here. Plus my mom is going to be WAY closer now...

That means we have a very busy coupled months ahead of us. We are about 80% done with the installation of new baseboards and crown molding in the whole house (900sf)...that shit is hard work! Also we are having our 1 bathroom remodelled before we rent out the house. That started yesterday...We found a house to rent in SJ, a neighborhood called Willow Glen/Cambrian. 3 bedrooms 2.5 baths with a 2 car garage!!! What a change...enjoy the pictures...I'll post more as the work progresses.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Kien Lakrori Weber

Our good friends Mark and Nensi gave birth to a health beautiful baby boy, Kien, on June is a picture from the hospital and my first introduction. Good work Nensi, long day or 3 (who's counting)

Idaho and Washington

Kyle and I ventured up to Idaho for his friend Dusty's wedding. The wedding was in Harrison Idaho, very small town, super quaint. We had an excellent time, stayed 3 nights there then headed to Spokane. Kyle's parents drove over and met up with us. Always nice to see them. We played some golf and drank some beer :-) Oh yeah, we saw a moose on the golf course!!! Kyle found his new favorite beer, Vanilla Bourbon Stout...possible X-mas brew??? Check out the pictures.

Next Step and Tasting Yeti Delight

We bottled and tasted...very Sierra Nevada Pale Ale like...not bad for a bunch of newbies. Check out the pictures. Next brew is a strawberry blonde...coming late august :-)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Making of Yeti Delight

Kyle prepping the barley

Lendy and I "steeping" the barley

Mychal and Lendy removing the barley bag

Tobin "shocking" the brew

Devarae adding the yeast...bubbles!!!!

So a couple weekends ago we got together with Tobin, Lendy, Mychal and Devarae to do some home brewing. Everybody helped during the was a great day :-) Take a look through the pictures...we are supposed to bottle either this Friday or Saturday. Wish us luck and I'll let you know how the brew turns out :-)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sam the Cooking Guy!

Dominica, my sister and I met Sam the Cooking Guy the other night at his book signing...he is hilarious and Kyle and I are looking forward to going on one of his cruises these days. Check him Sam the Cooking Guy, easy recipes and soooo yummy! I really like his Chili Salmon and Thai Curry Soup.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Stage Coach...GREAT JOB MYCHAL!!!

had an amazing time at stage coach a couple weekends back...enjoy the funny pictures, BTW we got to see Brooks and Dunn on their last tour together :-) Tobin Keith puts on a pretty darn good show too.

Dog Walk

We had a great time at the dog walk this weekend...thank you team for coming out and supporting the doggies! Come out next year and join us...